your five best sounding boxes.

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Master Z

Member (SA)
Sharp HK9000
And a three way tie; Rising 20/20, Prosonic 9962, Lasonic 931 (These sound so similar and all are good!)

Honorable mention goes to the Panasonic RX5085. awesome sound stage and great to listen to at medium volumes.:thumbsup:
any louder, not so much. :-/


Staff member
Always a tough choice and yet even my persoal grail is not at the top spot...

Sharp GX-300H
Telefunken Hi-Fi Studio 1
Sharp WF-939z
Sansui CP-99/77w (same boxes 99w has logic controls/77w soft touch...)
Sony FH-5

Honrable Mention...

Sansui CP-7/5
Panasonic RX-DT680
Pioneer CK-5F
Panasonic RX-C50
Sansui FX-700R

Sold but were great...

Panasonic RX-C100
Fisher PH-480



Staff member
If I wanted to choose based on overall balance, including design, then of course I'd put the CP-7/5 up front. But the ones I selected can punch better thus giving them the advantage. :-D

blah blah

Member (SA)
The five from my grail challenged selections would be:

sansui cp99w
aiwa 660
trc 931
pioneer sk550
samsung st-537 (really booming for its size, and through headphone sublime)

jeez, i need a grail... anyone?? :drool:


Boomus Fidelis
I feel bad for my other boxes that I didn't put on the list.

What about Sayno Big Ben, Sharp GF-777Z, Panasonic RX-5350, JVC M-70, etc....?
I hope the boxes I didn't put on the list don't hold it against me, I love them all. :smooch:


Boomus Fidelis
MasterBlaster84 said:
I feel bad for my other boxes that I didn't put on the list.

What about Sayno Big Ben, Sharp GF-777Z, Panasonic RX-5350, JVC M-70, etc....?
I hope the boxes I didn't put on the list don't hold it against me, I love them all. :smooch:

i think the rx 5350 and the big ben were left out due to the lack of people who own them ,those are big money boxes and and even if you had the money finding some one who wants to sell is another problem ,iv'e heard/ seen both of these boxes and they do deserve a top spot in any for the gf 777 and m70 i love em both.


Boomus Fidelis
Very true Floyd :-D

I was actually referring to the boxes I have that I didn't put in my list, now I look at those boxes and wonder how can they not be in the top five. I have about a dozen boxes that should be in the top 5 so how can we pick just 5. :huh: :hmmm:


I Am Legend
thats why i collapsed// bagged out :nonono: :lol:
and picked only ONE !!!

didnt go for loud -
or for bass
or for looks

just pure sound :-) :-)


Member (SA)
:lol: dont feel bad for the boomboxes that are left out. they are boomboxes they dont have feelings hahaha.

hey the purpose of a thread like this is to perhaps get people thinking about other models that they have not heard or have not thought of getting.
it really isnt about sound quality beacause to each there own there own ears will like one thing and maybe another not so much.
also one day they might like one more than a another then go back and change there minds.


Boomus Fidelis
No way bill I never change my mind, I don't think. Well maybe I do sometimes, now that I think about it I don't ever change my mind well at least I don't think I do. :huh: :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
Telefunken Studio 1, best sounding box of all time
Telefunken HP800
Crown 980
Sanyo M9994
Universum 8800


Member (SA)
Well, five more years of collecting and my top 5 has changed!

The range I have now has made it hard to really separate things, so no numbers this time.

My best sounding five, now, would be:

Big Ben
National 5350
Crown 970
Conion C-100

But it'd be really easy to add in Aiwa CS-880 and Toshiba S-90 and my Sony FH...

Rock On.


Member (SA)
This is very easy for me :yes: but I only have 4 boxes at the mo :lol:

Philips d8614, sounds superb.
Toshiba rt8560s
Hitachi 3d80
unisef sz5000


Member (SA)
In no particular order as I love all of these:

Hacker RPC1
Bang & Olufsen Beosystem 10
Toshiba RT-9000S (video clip below for those who don't know what it looks like)
Technics SA-C05L
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