Your feelings about National RX5700 !!

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Boomus Fidelis
Gluecifer said:
Reli said:
Gluecifer said:

I'd put the sound personality in the upper echelon of mid to late 70s portables. And by this I mean very good mids and highs. The bass chokes and farts about with more modern music, but classic 70s rock sounds stellar on the 5700. It's like a TPR-950 with a bit more grunt. I really thought mine may have needed re-capping or something when I first got her, but time has definitely changed that. It's horses for courses with most radios, but this model will give you great sound if tit was released in her day.
If it sounds as good or better than the TPR-950, then I would say it's a top-tier box.

It's definitely up there in the detail of the sound, like a TPR-950. It's not 'better' though, it has more grunt, but it craps out quickly in the bass department, like a TPR-950. Overall it's louder, but not better. Very similar sound personalities though.
What about at ultra-low volume? The TPR is one of the best in that department.


Member (SA)
the rx 5700 is a honey of a box-and if its anything like the 2 5600's ive had well damn.....put me down for one too!!!!


Member (SA)
opinion of 5700: not enough of them to go around. i seldom see them for sale.

it would be great if panasonic rereleased one. something like the tdk 3 speaker, but distinctly panasonic with chrome, grills, and woodgrain sides.


Boomus Fidelis
Yeah this baby is a looker with the wood sides :drool: :drool:



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