Your best sounding and your best looking box

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I Am Legend
hey boomschwanger-
i remember your big ebay win on that rare tosh -
and since then -
there has never been another -- or anywhere close to that condition :drool:


Member (SA)
Boom Shaka Laka said:
Hard to say which ones really are the best, but two that I like a lot come to mind:

For sound, the Sears 2199...
[ Image ]

And, for looks, the Toshiba SX-1000...
[ Image ]

That Toshiba looks incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never seen one before............... :drool:


Boomus Fidelis
Best looking: My M9998K with mic's
Best sounding: My Studio 1 (even with a faulty crossover)


Staff member
My experience with the SHARP boxes is that the sound isnt spectaculair and most of them have little bass(and thats what i like in a box!). How do you all think about that? BTW Thnx for your input Guys!, i have bought myself a few new boxes which i will try to photograph when i am home again from vacation.

p.s. I like that Telefunken and the JVC on the pics, they are really good and solid looking.

What Sharp boxes have you had or have? :-)


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
My experience with the SHARP boxes is that the sound isnt spectaculair and most of them have little bass(and thats what i like in a box!). How do you all think about that? BTW Thnx for your input Guys!, i have bought myself a few new boxes which i will try to photograph when i am home again from vacation.

p.s. I like that Telefunken and the JVC on the pics, they are really good and solid looking.

What Sharp boxes have you had or have? :-)[/quote

I really must make some new photo's because i have bought a lot of new boxes lately, but at this moment i have the VZ 2000(just bought) the VZ 2500, and the GF9292(just bought) and the GF666 ((the Devil)and a GF 6363. They sound okay but i feel they are not so loud as other much smaller boxes i have. I like a firm bass and that is what i miss in the Sharp's i own.


Member (SA)
For looks, my best one is the national 7200. For sound it is the sanyo 9994. I have this 70s tape that sounds amazing in it, the 9994 is hard to beat for a mid sized one piece.


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
My experience with the SHARP boxes is that the sound isnt spectaculair and most of them have little bass(and thats what i like in a box!). How do you all think about that? BTW Thnx for your input Guys!, i have bought myself a few new boxes which i will try to photograph when i am home again from vacation.

p.s. I like that Telefunken and the JVC on the pics, they are really good and solid looking.

What Sharp boxes have you had or have? :-)[/quote

I really must make some new photo's because i have bought a lot of new boxes lately, but at this moment i have the VZ 2000(just bought) the VZ 2500, and the GF9292(just bought) and the GF666 ((the Devil)and a GF 6363. They sound okay but i feel they are not so loud as other much smaller boxes i have. I like a firm bass and that is what i miss in the Sharp's i own.
Dude you have luck to have the much "not bassy" Sharps . But 9292 and 6363 are good enough on bass comparing to most of the same size boxes. Ive read a lot of different opinions but my 9595 is so good on low freq that im wiring him up whit one or two of some bigger boxes and enjoying him sorta subbass in very low volumes, its not good on high volumes but for low to moderate listening have one of the best bass for that size box :lol: . Im into tumpin bass as well (playing mostly tech house and techno) and love to switch off my PA actives (they are pretty serious 4 massive ones in 7 square meter room and rms around 1300 and peak more than 3000) and to wire 777, 9595, SJ and Sanyo 920 together and enjoying the sound of them. And dude this configuration is kicking the ass of the massive PA s on low volume :yes: . I know it sounds wired but my hearing is saying so :yes: .


Member (SA)
My best looker is an easy choice. My custom white JVC M70 is a beautiful boombox and took many hours of hard work to look like this...and she sounds as good as she looks... :-D


My best sounding box byfar is the Sony FH-207. It's 3-way soundstage, awesome power, and thunderous bass is too much for any mortal boombox. Whether listening to classical, rock, hip-hop, or jazz this boombox simply handles all types of music as smooth as silk. Truly a wonderful sounding boombox.



Member (SA)
My best sounding (eating my FH´s or Kaboom):


My best Looking (impressive for his size):



shane higgins

Member (SA)
I think we will find there is no best looking or best sounding as we are collecters and
not so much just the run of the mill people that go in to a hifi shop and buy just one boombox
we collect because we love different thing about many different boxes
some love loud boxes some love uv meters some love leds some love 2 tape decks some love alarms (did i just discribe the c100 again)
but the JVC PC 100 is the best :lol:


Member (SA)
:-D My best looker is my Panny RX-7000 very very elegant, And my best sounding is hard to tell, Rotel-10, JVC PC-550 with custom woofers, Fisher PH-480 with custom woofers and tweeters, And the Aiwa 880. :-D


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
(did i just discribe the c100 again)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I gotta back up the Skipper on this one...My Studio 1 is my best sounder. Looker is tough, though.

How about a M9998? Looks pretty killer, I think.



Member (SA)
As we can see we all have a different taste about sound and looks and thats fine! Today I have bought myself a KENWOOD DC 20X(there is also one listed at the BAY at this very moment). It has an extra amplifier and speakers and the sound is really incredible, it has a real strong bass-thats what i like and also enough high!! This is now my best sounding box for sure. Pics will arrive later this week because of the lack of a decent camera right now and if you are getting curious then go to Ebay, there is exactly(ok not exactly..mine is better looking..hahaha :lol: ) the same box for sale. I think this is really a rare dont see it much on the World Wide Web..

Last but not least i want to thank everyone for their input and beautiful pics of their wonderful boxes! :drool: :drool: :thumbsup: :yes:

Later this week as promised new pics from my new boxes..


Member (SA)
My best sounding: The JVC M-90JW!!! :yes: :-P :-O :surf: :thumbsup:

My best looking: The Sanyo M9998 & The Pioneer CK-5II :yes: :surf: :-O :choco: wait a second that might even be the best sounding to BUT when it comes to the bass & music stage it's M-90!! :yes:

There are so many but Ira has it hands down with a S-90 & Rotel10-it's hard to compete with the likes of those!!
Great thread-Jeff. :-) :yes:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
does that nice big kenwood model :drool: take batteries ?

Nope, only 2 AA cells for the actually it isnt a boombox if that is what you mean.. but the unit with the tuner and cassette player can be used solo without the amplifier and speakers because it has two tiny speakers at both sides from the unit which also provides stereo, but that sound is very poor, you really need the amplifier and speakers and then it sounds really fantastic!. I also have the original pamflet which i will also try to photograph this week. The price from this unit was almost 2000 dutch guilders back in 1982 and that was and is a lot of money(about 900 euro's now). As an extra there was a sort of flightcase available where you could put in the complete unit with amplifier and speakers, but sadly enough it didnt come with the package.. :sadno:
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