Yo, is there an AKA of this?

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Boomus Fidelis
Ha ha, yes that's it!! ISame box, just different styling and meters.

I wonder who manufactured it. I think TEC is just a brand, not a true manufacturer.

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Reli said:
I think TEC is just a brand, not a true manufacturer.
Probably Yes, Reli, was produced just by some Chinese OEM manufacturer.
Back plate in German doesn't specify much, just TEC and Made in R.O.C.

BTW, AFAIK under TEC brand there were some other box models made:

TEC 4040, 866 RR, 880 RR, Tec Sound 4023, Tec Sound 4050.


Boomus Fidelis
There was another brand called "Sound" that was very common in Germany, I wonder if it's the same.

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Reli said:
There was another brand called "Sound"
I glanced over Sound PC-12B just the first Sound model which came in view:
This model is multivoltage, back plate is in English - 110-120/22-240V -
was intended for the NA as well.

At the same time, Sound 4006 was for Germainy I guess - tuner scale reads UKW not FM.
Interesting. :-)
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