WikiBoombox Launch announcement.

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Staff member
Good morning everyone. As some of you know, I've been collecting information from you good folks for some time now, regarding boombox manufacturers and models. It had always been with the intention of using that information to include into a website, a boombox archive (or a wiki specifically for boomboxes and personal audio gear, if you will. 3+ years ago, I registered I also paid for webhosting fees. But unfortunately I never had the time to develop it, still don't, something of greater importance and priority always ruled my life. Recently, I received notice of expiring domain and renewal fee bill, as well as webhosting renewal fees as well. Faced with this decision, I decided that I had 3 choices. 1) Let everything expire and waste 3-years of fees. 2) Renew everything and continue paying with everything in a holding pattern (more wasted money). Or 3) I could renew and get to work. After speaking with some people I trust, I decided to go the 3rd option. I'm still busy as heck, with very little time to devote to this but I'm hoping for some help. A site like this really needs a collaborative effort anyhow. So about 10 days ago, I spent all my free time (and borrowed against my sleep time) to complete the skeleton of my
website. Here it is:

Some parts of the site is being actively worked on: (see the following brands: Citizen, Candle, GE, Universum, Grundig, Sanyo M2470, JVC RC-M80, etc.) The rest are unlinked listings (we need the actual pages created so we need photos, descriptions, specs, etc).

Some of the photos are crap -- I need better ones if anyone can supply them (must be yours and not copied from the web).

Features include:
  • Wiki page listing of known manufacturers
  • Wiki page listing of models by brand
  • Wiki page for individual boomboxes with photo (if available), known specifications, comments, etc.
  • Articles which don't fit into a typical wiki page but are interesting and important nevertheless.
So this is my formal announcement of the WikiBoombox launch. Before making this post, I did ask for and received Fatdog's permission and blessing to proceed with the announcement. Glucifer also gave his blessings.


I am now offically asking for contributions and or direct Contributor/Editors. There are 3 methods that you can help contribute:
(1) Content Contributions via PM, email or mail. This could be simply data or photos, or could be entire features, articles, essays, etc. If you have entire galleries of photos you would like to donate, you can burn them on CD and mail to me (or one of the contributors) so that we may include or otherwise use the information in the webstie.
(2) Direct Contributor/Editor, a person who is registered with WikiBoombox and given Contributor group status. These individuals will directly
develop/create wiki or article pages. Each Contributor can directly create their own pages, and free to edit (add to or correct) most any other page.

Credits: Our website provides a credit in the footer to the author of every page (and the last editor of the page). This small acknowledgement ensures that your contribution did not go unnoticed. While a small thing, one thing is for certain: in the world of givers and takers, these contributors are definitely "givers."


Getting Started: Please feel free to peruse the website. If there is something (and there most certainly is lots), please let us know. If you have photos of a particular model and wish to donate those, please do so via email (see FAQ's for the email address for the site administrator).

Registration is not required but if you do, please read the Registration FAQ's:
General Site FAQ's are here:
Information for Content Contributions or Contributors:
In addition to wiki contributions, We also need someone who is willing to take some time and write up an article, feature, or essay of the following topics:
  • 1) Boombox Culture
  • 2) History
  • 3) Street Scene or Boombox uses
  • 4) Evolution from 70s to 80s to 90's to present
  • 5) Boombox Jargon or Boombox-speak. A dictionary of common used boombox related terms
  • 6) The Big Black Box(es)
  • 7) 2-pc vs 3-pc
  • 8) Styles of boomboxes
  • 9) Collecting
  • 10) Buying and Selling
  • 11+) Any other fun or interesting topics as it relates to Boomboxes
  • ** Sorry, no off topic features please.

Specific credits: If you desire specific credit for your work and contribution, and it is a full feature, it can be in the form of none, anonymous, initials, full name (or partial name), forum user-id, Wikiboombox registered ID, email-address, etc. However, choose one, not a full contact panel and insert it into the very bottom as a footer, or let us know (if we are creating the page for you so we can include it). "WE" means either I or any of the contributors who have editing status.


Staff member
Special THANK YOU to boomboxery (and WikiBoombox) member Reli. He joined our contributor/editor group and has been hard at work creating pages. He has singlehandedly created and populated the Universum, Grundig, Sencor, GE, Telefunken pages. WikiBoombox owes him a debt of gratitude for his selfless contributions.


Staff member
systemaddict said:
This is great Norm :yes: I would love to contribute in some way but not sure how??
It depends how involved you wish to be. If it is just an occassional contribution, then just send the material to me (or Reli, or I think Blu_Fuz) and we can create a page, or add to a page, or input a correction -- whatever. If you wish to be involved in a more direct way, and wish to help develop the content through more frequent contributions, then you might want to consider becoming a part of the contributor/editor group. This allows you to add your own content to the site. However, users can not self-assign themselves to a group, you must request and an administrator add you. This is to prevent any Joe from registering and spamming, advertising, or vandalizing the site since once you become a part of the contributor group, you can edit other members (or virtually any) page. For this reason, we need those with such priviledges to be a more controlled group.

Anyhow, the first step is to register an account so that you become a registered user. Once you become a registered user, then just send me a PM (via the WikiBoombox PM system) or PM me here, if you decide you want to become a contributor/editor.

However, before you decide, please read this page:

And also these two FAQ's.


Member (SA)
Wow, this is a mammoth project you have taken on here.
It really can not be over stated how bigger undertaking this AND how much of a great resource it will be for, well, everybody really.
I have only had a very quick peek but it does look very good, congrats so far and good luck with the rest of the journey :-)


Member (SA)
I have tried to register but I seem to be having trouble with the passcode.

Im entering the passcode on the registration info page (with and without the capital B) but it says wrong passcode entered.

Not sure what im doing wrong.


Member (SA)
A great idea Norm!

Quick question regarding photo submissions and pardon it if it's answered in the FAQ's on site.. What type of photo are you after? A perspective shot revealing top,side and front panels or a straight on frontal?

Also, with regional variances, will rear power info plates be welcomed or would a simple write up suffice?? I personally think a photo is worth a thousand words in these instances

Hats off to you for efforts gents :clap:


Member (SA)
That is some great news !
I d take my time and check it, this project will be big.
I d love to contribute one way or the other :-) and be
part of it .


Staff member
im_alan_partridge said:
I have tried to register but I seem to be having trouble with the passcode.

Im entering the passcode on the registration info page (with and without the capital B) but it says wrong passcode entered.

Not sure what im doing wrong.
I dunno. Several other members have registered so I'm sure you are just entering the word by adding spaces, or something. Maybe try copy and pasting the passcode? Hint: There is no space, and there are 2 capital letters.

Brutus442 said:
Quick question regarding photo submissions and pardon it if it's answered in the FAQ's on site.. What type of photo are you after? A perspective shot revealing top,side and front panels or a straight on frontal?

Also, with regional variances, will rear power info plates be welcomed or would a simple write up suffice?? I personally think a photo is worth a thousand words in these instances
Yes, yes and yes. Anything and everything please.


I Am Legend
im_alan_partridge said:
Wow, this is a mammoth project you have taken on here.
It really can not be over stated how bigger undertaking this AND how much of a great resource it will be for, well, everybody really.
I have only had a very quick peek but it does look very good, congrats so far and good luck with the rest of the journey :-)
agree times TEN !! :hooray: :clap: :rock: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
It depends how involved you wish to be. If it is just an occassional contribution, then just send the material to me (or Reli, or I think Blu_Fuz) and we can create a page, or add to a page, or input a correction -- whatever. If you wish to be involved in a more direct way, and wish to help develop the content through more frequent contributions, then you might want to consider becoming a part of the contributor/editor group. This allows you to add your own content to the site. However, users can not self-assign themselves to a group, you must request and an administrator add you. This is to prevent any Joe from registering and spamming, advertising, or vandalizing the site since once you become a part of the contributor group, you can edit other members (or virtually any) page. For this reason, we need those with such priviledges to be a more controlled group.

Anyhow, the first step is to register an account so that you become a registered user. Once you become a registered user, then just send me a PM (via the WikiBoombox PM system) or PM me here, if you decide you want to become a contributor/editor.

However, before you decide, please read this page:

And also these two FAQ's.
Ok thanks for that Norm. For now It will probably be small contributions from me, as my knowledge on all boxes isn't that great. Once again thanks, and I hope the site flourishes as it should. It's already looking very good :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

Wow, I could see this becoming the permanent BBX info depository. Over the years I have searched for model specific info and found conflicting information across multiple websites, so this will be a very welcome resource.

When I get some time I will log in and see if there is anything I can add / offer.

Nice work Norm :-D
:super: :superduper:


Staff member
trippy1313 said:
Tried to register... says my name is already taken. Hmm...

Pretty cool thing to put together.
I believe you already registered but did not confirm your registration via the email link you should've received to validate your account. PM me your email address (so I can compare it against the one currently registered) and I'll look into it but I'm sure it's you.


Member (SA)
I tried to register, but first it said I needed a valid email (which I double checked) then it said my user name already exists. What am I doing wrong?


Boomus Fidelis
I got a similar error message, but I think that's because I refreshed the page because it seemed like it was frozen. Anyway, I just ignored it and just waited for the confirmation email. Don't worry about it.
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