Wife found/bought me a BoomBox.

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Boomus Fidelis
Fatdog said:
Even after seeing the pictures, I still can't believe Kathy found that for only $2. :w00t: :thumbsup:

:agree: I'm floored that anybody got one for $2 let alone a very nice working one. :-O :thumbsup:

The bone heads at my Goodwill would have slapped a $25+ dollar price on it for sure, they've done that with much crappier boxes.


Member (SA)
congrats Fuzz!!! On the boombox and great wife you got :-D Your going to love that PC-55, amazing sound. And Dolby C for cassette.


Member (SA)
MasterBlaster84 said:
Fatdog said:
Even after seeing the pictures, I still can't believe Kathy found that for only $2. :w00t: :thumbsup:

:agree: I'm floored that anybody got one for $2 let alone a very nice working one. :-O :thumbsup:

The bone heads at my Goodwill would have slapped a $25+ dollar price on it for sure, they've done that with much crappier boxes.

Would have been 55-65 bucks here at my goodwill shop, and they wonder why they can't get rid of it all......


Boomus Fidelis
Terry said:
MasterBlaster84 said:
Fatdog said:
Even after seeing the pictures, I still can't believe Kathy found that for only $2. :w00t: :thumbsup:

:agree: I'm floored that anybody got one for $2 let alone a very nice working one. :-O :thumbsup:

The bone heads at my Goodwill would have slapped a $25+ dollar price on it for sure, they've done that with much crappier boxes.

Would have been 55-65 bucks here at my goodwill shop, and they wonder why they can't get rid of it all......

That's another topic Terry.
Why does Goodwill price their items just high enough so they sit on the shelves until they have to dump them, why not drop the prices 25-50% and sell most of it so that it is recycled back in to use by someone. :hmmm: Some of the crap they put on the shelves for $10 to $20 has no chance of selling but it would have a chance for $5 or less. :thumbsdown:

Sorry don't mean to hijack a thread but sometimes I think the people at GoodWill are real idiots.


Member (SA)
Just wanted to add that I received the missing trim piece for my JVC,s Fine Tuning dial, thanks to our dear Brother JVC Floyd. Now my box is complete. You Rock Floyd :rock:
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