Wife found/bought me a BoomBox.

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Member (SA)
Hello Amigos. I have to share this with Y'all. Yesterday, my Wife was out at our local GoodWill Store and called me with a BoomBox find. She said, " I bought you a Radio for $2. It's Oldschool- I think you'll like it. Is JVC a good brand?" I replied, "Pretty much anything by JVC is good stuff" So, I threw my Son into the car and flew down to meet her. She was out front waiting for me. I totally oversaw that she had it sitting at her feet when I jumped out to meet her. I looked down, and my mouth :jawdrop: I couldn't believe that such a radio existed in MY town, and was donated to the GoodWill store. My Wife said the store was selling it "As Is" and would not even plug it in to see if it worked- or they'd have to charge more for it. My wife (Kathy) said "I can't believe that now I'm out buying you boxes." I quickly gave her a :smooch: and a Big :thankyou:. Before leaving the store's parking lot, I called FatDog to share my excitement. It went to voicemail :sadno: I raced home and plugged it in when Bobby called me back :thumbsup: He was shocked that I got this for $2 bucks. It powered right up. It was very dusty and grimey. After a quick catching up with Bobby, I hung up and got to inspecting & cleaning my new find. It was complete and in nearly new condition to my surprise. This beast is very heavy for it's size too. Anyway, Here are some before & after pics of my superficial clean up. My 8 y.o. wanted to help too. Hope Y'all enjoy the story and pics (if they load up correctly). Oh yeah, I forgot to load battery compartment pics. Trust me, it looks as if it's never used batteries. I think It is only missing a fine tuner area trim piece- sorry the last pic is out of focus abit.


Boomus Fidelis
awesome score :w00t: :thumbsup: , adam i might have that missing trim only it might be black it's from a pc 550 parts box i have .


Boomus Fidelis
i do have that part adam , it's in black though . let me know if you want it no charge :-D .


Member (SA)
Totally rockin!! I really love this JVC, it just screams EXPENSIVE, the retail on these must've been close to four figures RRP.
Hope I get one one day, it's always puts on a gorgeous display when someone like your goodself, Adam, scores one.


Rock On.


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Staff member
Even after seeing the pictures, I still can't believe Kathy found that for only $2. :w00t: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Wow next to your son that thing looks massive!!! Great wife!! Nothing says I love you like a woman who has your back in your hobby!! Congrats to you in finding a gem of a lady and a radio to match!!
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