Why I do this.... (warning: LONG post)

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Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
2 questions for norm --

how did you clean up those nasty looking woofers ?
re-foams and paint ???

and WTF !!!
HOW could it ever have become so crappy --???
was it left outside in the rain/humidity to destroy the contacts
and switches ?
or was it in a trash can to attract the roaches --
asking - because i have never seen a box that trashy :-)

(except some spotty helix/candle thing i sold to fatdog) :lol: :lol: :-P :w00t:
You are forgetting about that M-90 you sold me way back when :hmmm:
I didnt even have the nerve to open that one up fearing what may have been still living inside :lol:
Norm I wanna know what happened to the cockroach legs :sad:
On a serious note great work Its not easy especially having to rebuild or find parts that are no longer available.
Been there done that many of times. :yes:


I Am Legend
:lol: :lol:
frank - that m90 was like DOB mint compared to fatdogs helix !!!

also -- it actually had a happy ending --]
we do have another cool and QUIET member//tech guy here-

he is up in new york -- its OHBOY (paul)
when he got that POS m90 --
he performed some magic --and got it ALL working :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

whats the box in your cool avitar ??



Member (SA)
That's seriously impressive work.
I wish I had half of those skills.
I will say one thing-I'm excellent at troubleshooting but not as good at repairing.
Still learning though and I have 6 that need cassette repair so I have some work ahead of me.
Yes Norm-that's really cool!
I love getting mine all working usually I'm lucky-I have about 70 and 64 all work!
I used to do some circuit board work but haven't had to for 20+ years so I'm really rusty and don't have the equipment I would like.
I'd like to see you and you could be my teacher!!?? :-D
Just kidding-I bet we all would like to.
Thanks for this informative and educational thread-GB. :-) :yes: :-O :thumbsup: :agree:


I Am Legend
agree with you and floyd about the 920 --

those giant metal off-road grill guards --
make it the LAND ROVER 920
:-) :-)
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