JVC Floyd said:
i think the guy is day dreaming at that price , but he does have a few boxes and other items that are worth more than 10 bucks each. i mean fair is fair but i don't see more than a few hundred bucks worth of stuff . if you filtered out the good ones you would do ok but they are just a hook to buy all the useless ones because without those few good items the rest could go in the dumpster.
I agree, there are plenty 'worth' more than $10 to someone, I was averaging between $0 and $25. Maybe a few 'rare' ones in there like someone mentioned, but rare doesn't mean it's worth anything. Could be rare because all the other ones known to exist were thrown in the trash. I'm not saying it's worthless either, but educate yourself.
Congrats to him for spending his money on a lifetime collection of basic boxes. I collect rocks, one of a kind rare ones and no 2 are the same. Bidding starts at $5k + shipping.
It is what it is. Thanks for being part of this nutty group that collects boomboxes but I won't butter you up making you think you have something worth 20x what it really is. An honest friend wouldn't make you look like a fool asking that much and educate you a little on what you really have.