whole collection sale on Ebay

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All entry level crud.

No reel tapes, no mid size anything and certainly no certified grails, generic walkmans/CD, all junk.

I see maybe $2-300 retail worth of nothing.


Member (SA)
My friend sent me that listing. The sellers description on this listing seems kind of sad, from what I read the guys collecting hobby was messing up the family? That's what I got out of reading it.


Member (SA)
SLO said:
My friend sent me that listing. The sellers description on this listing seems kind of sad, from what I read the guys collecting hobby was messing up the family? That's what I got out of reading it.
thats what I think too. He'd be much better off taking the time to write all the model numbers and what works and what doesn’t. It’s a pain but he would be better off. I mean, I don’t see any “must haves” but I’m sure there’s something “somebody” wants here. Lol We all have random boxes that are holy grails to us and us only-lol.


Member (SA)
That Braun is a rare beast and usually fetches upwards of £300 on the rare occasions someone roups one or sells it through the local yellow inkies here, but that - and the Roberts RSR-whichever model it is, which isn't a real Roberts but a plastic-cased one built for Roberts by Hitachi - wouldn't make that big a difference. If he had used more of his picture allowance we may have seen others that are worth having too.

Hmm, that lot or one incredibly well kept Yamaha compo box? Not too hard to decide.. :cool:


Member (SA)
static2000g said:
thats what I think too. He'd be much better off taking the time to write all the model numbers and what works and what doesn’t. It’s a pain but he would be better off. I mean, I don’t see any “must haves” but I’m sure there’s something “somebody” wants here. Lol We all have random boxes that are holy grails to us and us only-lol.
Very true static, one mans junk is another mans treasure, or It can be the other way around.

Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I think he listed it all at a super high price so it wouldn't sell
If that's what was intended then his plan is working pretty dam good so far haha :-)


Well-Known Member
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Maybe I will list my entire collection on ebay all together to see how high it goes...... with my big fat reserve on it. Adding it up in my head, I could see A LOT of moola coming my way!



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That cat piss C126 is long gone! hahahaha. I have a gold faced C126 now from Bill's collection. ;-)


Staff member
Wait, whole collection worth $2-$300 retail? Come on, why do we make comments like that? First off, forget the cassette tapes, let's just deal with the gear. There's like 105 of them. That breaks down to $2 or $3 each. Granted there's no M90's there but very few of them are common garbage stuff. Many of them look really rare as I've never seen (or noticed) those models before. Also some of the stuff looks really nice/top quality. They not my style and spending $6k might end up resulting in me being homeless too. But I don't doubt for one second that he could get $2k to $6k for the lot if he would only sell them off individually. Of course I'm only guessing and it would take a lot of work to sell them for top dollar. But let's not look down on anyone else's collection. We are all proud of our own collection and nobody else regards our collection as much as we personally do. And given the story behind the sale which seems certainly plausible, let's bite our tongue on this one unless we have something positive to say. I personally hope whoever the owner is gets the lot sold (for whatever works for him) and that he gets his life back in order. There's been many like him that has come before and I personally know a few who went through exactly this situation with boomboxes hurting their lives. For the past year or two, I've certainly taken a couple steps back from the obsession to focus on more important things in life. I certainly hope if the time comes and I need to liquidate my own collection for similar reasons, I don't wake to a flood of critique on the contents, desirability or value of a beloved lifelong collection. Anyhow, that's just my 2 cents.


Member (SA)
A few weeks ago i sold 60 boxes...all for $750.00...i had thousands of dollars in the ones i sold but i needed space...the seller got a GREAT deal that's for sure! :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

Maybe I will list my entire collection on ebay all together to see how high it goes...... with my big fat reserve on it. Adding it up in my head, I could see A LOT of moola coming my way!


Grow a set and go No Reserve! :p:D


Member (SA)
I like what Norm said, we all have taken many years to aquire our collections and to us they mean a lot.
Not everyone can afford M90's,Conions,and J1's,and Big Bens.

I feel bad for the guy,a lot of people get into a obsession or are trying to comfort themselves buy buying things,kind of like drugs to forget! :(
I wish the guy luck, I do think selling individually is usually best.
Just my opinion here.
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