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Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
hemiguy2006 said:
...I think what may have prompted reli's question is freddies signature....

You have a point there... :hmmm:

But the truth is what it is. And though it may seem petty, it was intentional and made the point. Over there I was considered greedy by some for wanting the black Sansui CP-7 even though I had a silver one. Here, it was just a matter of people who had gotten to know me and came together for me. And still I am eternaly graeful. :bow: :bow: :bow:

It is just another example of why he should just check it out. ;-)

...well said...this is what I love about this site. When someone has been searching for a grail, you go out of your way to help them get it. There is no so called "penis envy" over collections. There is just appreciation and love for a common interest....and that is why it's all about Boomboxery!!.... :yes:


I Am Legend
i watch all the 'for sales' over there -
and post my want ads...

mostly --because you stiffs over here
are never about to give up any of your real GOOD goodies
:thumbsdown: :'-( :lol: :lol:

blah blah

Member (SA)
s2g has not evolved, is not interface friendly, and does not have the fun features...and does not kick ass....it's an OK place to visit but like an old unloved neighborhood is looking kinda run down. :-/

Unfortunately :agree: . There isn't much happening there anymore. I check in and it hardly ever has any changes in any catagories. And most of the time the best and most interesting threads were started by hommies from this neighborhood. Too bad too... :sadno: but that's the way water flows.


Staff member
In my business, they say 10% of the people make 90% of the money. That leaves 90% of the people making only 10% of the money.

If participation on these forums is that way, and we skim off the cream of the crop (the movers and shakers), then the remainder left behind are left without direction since they neither move, nor shake.


Member (SA)
And Gluecifer didn't help when he said that he spends all his time posting on Boomboxery. :thumbsup: :cool:

Haha, I really didn't mean anything derogatory to s2go when I said I spend all my time here.
The main reason I piped up was because one of my pix was posted. I browse s2go maybe once a month,
and thought I should tell them why in that post.

I started full time work around the time boomboxery started up and I just don't have the time to browse and post constructively
to two sites ontop of everything else. I stay logged in as my computer is on 24/7 and my browser's always open
and logged in.

My opinion is that boomboxery is everything s2go should have become but just hadn't had the resources or people to
evolve to that level.

This hobby IS the people. Valuing every single person interested in the hobby should be paramount to aiding
it's development and expanding it for a forum like these two. When one doesn't foster that it is to it's own detriment,
you lose people and it fractures the strength of the community and how effective and reflective it is of the hobby.

Sharing the knowledge and encouraging others is how everyone benefits.

That's just my opinion though, and it pains me when anyone is excluded.

Hell, I even shed a tear when DM4U became ostracised, but that's just how things go sometimes.

Rock On.


No Longer Active
:agree: with almost everything you said, Glue, but actually, Isolator might've sparked it when he mentioned that the Boomboxery split hurt stereo2go and that's the reason why it's dead over there. :hmmm: It doesn't matter 'cause what's done is done and there's plenty of blame/praise to go around. :-D :cool:

As for DM4U, I wouldn't shed anything for that goofy doofus. :no: DM4U cared about DM4U and nobody else... The only thing I can give him credit for is when he posted those pics he took of Akihabara electronics shops back in the early 80's. :cool:
:agree: with almost everything you said, Glue, but actually, Isolator might've sparked it when he mentioned that the Boomboxery split hurt stereo2go and that's the reason why it's dead over there. :hmmm: It doesn't matter 'cause what's done is done and there's plenty of blame/praise to go around. :-D :cool:

As for DM4U, I wouldn't shed anything for that goofy doofus. :no: DM4U cared about DM4U and nobody else... The only thing I can give him credit for is when he posted those pics he took of Akihabara electronics shops back in the early 80's. :cool:

:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
Everbodys comments have a basis in truth but of course colored by eachs experience and perspective.
Boomboxery sits at the top today for thesimple reason that it evolved when it had to and deep, deep gratitude from all of us to Bobby "Machine Gun" Fatdog who is the Lady GaGa of cutting edge forumology.

HOWEVER,...................... the reason S2G died is multifaceted but IMHO would say the 2 largest factors were Panasonic Fan becoming a moderator and the loss of TPR950's regular contributions. (Think redbenjoe with a big database of Pix and info and a German Accent).

I can tell you that in 2003 to say 2005 S2G was rockin' and was heady great fun and comeraderie as is here today.

Consider this:

When I first found "The BOOMBOX MUSEUM" site it was the ONLY info out there on these machines and from its pictures and commentary one can easily deduce how different it was when Paul (Stereo2Go) and his partner first began their site. Ebay was just hitting its stride and it was still a true online fleamarket/garage sale world....kinda the wild west of collecting boomboxes existed in the early 2000's.

The growth of the site and Jens introducing a database when this hobby was much less sophisticated than today was exhilarating. I miss that time and Jens....... but FD was the right person at the right time to take us to the next level. Times change and as the internet and ebay and this hobby evolved, this forum and FD at its creative core rescued us from the dying S2G.

For those who recall, there was an attempt to start a 2nd site before Boomboxery but it did not succeed.....RIP Stereophonik.

I don't do much with the hobby these days and only mostly put in my smartalec remarks but the knowledge, skill, and depth here is so much better than anything from the early days I am happy mostly sit back and visit and see this great place thrive.

Zay Gesundt,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Uncle Ed said:
... but FD was the right person at the right time to take us to the next level... this forum and FD at its creative core rescued us from the dying S2G.
Thank you for posting those beautiful words, Ed. It might have been my "creativity" that helped build Boomboxery, but the support and encouragement from my boombox friends/family is really what rescued us. The Boomboxery website has come a long way from what it was initially planned to be and I'm really excited to see where it goes in the future. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
Fatdog said:
Uncle Ed said:
... but FD was the right person at the right time to take us to the next level... this forum and FD at its creative core rescued us from the dying S2G.
Thank you for posting those beautiful words, Ed. It might have been my "creativity" that helped build Boomboxery, but the support and encouragement from my boombox friends/family is really what rescued us. The Boomboxery website has come a long way from what it was initially planned to be and I'm really excited to see where it goes in the future. :yes:

Bobby you have vision and creativity, something that's missing entirely at S2G making it a very stagnant place. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
looking at stereo2go anymore is like reading the same exact news paper every day of the year ,just plain boring and almost no excitement i still check in though and like i said BORING !.


Member (SA)
Once again I find myself agreeing with Gluecifer.

One observation from a member of S2G is that he felt excluded. I can understand his feelings but it does take time to get to know someone over a computer. I must say that since most of the prominent members here are American, the style of communication must fit. Us Brits, I feel, can be a little abrupt and short at times and that will not work when you are not part of the 'in crowd'.

I did a course on verbal and written communication; an internal course run by McGraw Hill, whome I use to work for. The differences in communication style between the US and the U.K are stark (I won't go into the differences). Changing my writing style was REALLY difficult. But I do try to apply it here (feel free to tell me if it's not working :-) ).

One of the things I really like here is that I see real friendships that have developed over time around a common interest. That, to me, is the BIGGEST difference. I don't feel I have to be 'included' as such but the fact that the veteran members here share so much of what happens between them on a forum like this for me and others to see is enough; I really appreciate that.

I doubt if anyone there could have helped to the same extend as the guys here when I fried my box too!

Mono made a very true comment about taking time to respond when people score. I must say I'm guilty of not putting in the effort, so point taken.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
The main reason stg went down hill was because of 2 overpowering mods, 1 was lucky he had the other to blame but they were both at fault.

Im sorry if you guys don't agree but it's the truth.


Member (SA)

I'm glad I did too. I have no gripes with either site and there are some really sound people on S2G.

I've met Bendycat in person whilst he was doing a BMX charity ride. I had my 777 with me and he had seventy fellow BMXers. :jawdrop: He is a top guy!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
gld1307 said:

I'm glad I did too. I have no gripes with either site and there are some really sound people on S2G.

I've met Bendycat in person whilst he was doing a BMX charity ride. I had my 777 with me and he had seventy fellow BMXers. :jawdrop: He is a top guy!
Hey! I remember that story! He was so stoked to find someone else who was a boombox fan - especially one with a GF-777. :yes: :cool: I think I have his pictures saved somewhere on my hard drive.
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