Who put the Lasonic speakers in the GF-9000?

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Boomus Fidelis
Lee definitely changed them on his, not sure what with. I haven't changed either of mine but I do need a set for one of them


Member (SA)
It wasnt Lee, i was actually talking to him about this earlier today.

I thought i read about it here rather than s2g, and i also thought somebody mentioned you can buy new 931i speakers from Lasonic but i didnt see them on there site.


Member (SA)
Yes u can order new Lasonic speakers, I did.. Just PM Lasonic_Wes and he will hook u up!
I haven't changed out the speakers in my 9000, but it doesn't seem like the Sharp would have enough power to push em..?
View attachment 8160


Member (SA)
Was it not the young Swedish lad from Kent who painted his GF9k purple and swapped out the speakers for some white ones (ex-Lasonic?)? Blast it I can't find the thread now 'cos I can't remember his handle. :blush:


Member (SA)
SpaceLobster is who u are referring to, his thread is probably now on the 2nd page of restorations/customizations..


Boomus Fidelis
im_alan_partridge said:
Im sure someone did this but i cant remember who or find the thread.

Anybody remember this ?
Hey if you do find out the cost of a pair from Lasonic to the UK let me know as I might interested in two sets for my 9000's...might even be cheaper if ordering 3 sets? I'd do it myself but I'm too lazy lol :-)


Member (SA)
Thanks very much for the replys.

It must have been a JustCrusin who mentioned getting the new speakers from Lasonic and Scotty who dropped a pair in to a 9000.

John, it was Space Lobster your thinking of, i know he painted a 9000 but not sure if he did a speaker swap, im going to have a look.

Thanks gents, as always the forum comes up trumps :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Northerner said:
Hey if you do find out the cost of a pair from Lasonic to the UK let me know as I might interested in two sets for my 9000's...might even be cheaper if ordering 3 sets? I'd do it myself but I'm too lazy lol :-)
Well ive already checked there site and couldnt see any, JC suggested pm'ing Wes so that may be the way to go.

BTW, that second 9000 you got, did it have one good speaker or both fubar?


Member (SA)
This is what you're looking for I believe:

9000 (4).JPG

I messaged Lasonic_Wes guy and yes, you can get them for about 70 dollars shipped per pair to the UK. considering buying a bunch, but haven't gotten around to fixing my 931 yet..



Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
Those speakers look awesome in there! :breakdance:

Looks a lot better without all the dust bunnies too.. :cool:
Cheers mate :cool:
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