A tentative archaelogy of the jambox (1992-2018)
2018 "Boombox" Wikipedia entry has "Jambox" as its main synonimous ("A boombox or “Jambox†is a transistorized portable music player featuring one or two cassette tape recorder/players and AM/FM radio, generally with a carrying handle. Beginning in the mid 1980s, a CD player was often included."):
In a
2015 Youtube vid
eo, a small Panasonic is described by Rodney Harrison as a "jambox":
In a
2010 Youtube
video by 01bluebusa, "jam box" is synonimous of "boom box" and "ghetto blaster:"
2010 video on Youtube
In another
2010 Youtube video, a General Electric 3-5252D is referred to by the same 01bluebusa as "Boom Box, Ghetto Blaster, Jam Box":
In a
2010 Radiomuseum important
entry, "jambox" is synonimous of "Ghetto-Blaster," "Boombox," and "Radio-Cassette".
In the same Radiomuseum article there is also a reference to the January 4,
2010 Wikipedia entry beginning with the phrase: "Boombox, also known as ghetto blaster, jambox, or radio-cassette."
Last but not least, in the
1992 movie
Little Marines 2, Greg's boombox is called "jambox":