What's the most you have paid for a box...

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Van Presence

Member (SA)
I paid $430 for 1 of my M70s. not seen another on our auction site so i guess it was about the right price to pay. would have got cheaper if the other bidder gave up earlier. IMG_20151105_212646.jpg


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Over $2000!!!! Yeah not very smart. Lol


Bad Boy Bill
Don't blame you my friend. You only live once.
I do not care to spend any more money on boxes. I have all that I've set out to get (and get fully working). I will say that over $2,400.00 USD was spent to get my grails and get them at 100% working. This does not include my personal time and repair. Most money thrown at the M90 and Gold C100. Throw in another 380 USD and that got my personal grails and my other boxes. All of the most important boxes were challenges that through time became a good working reality through patience and time but all worth it 100%. No regrets.
Some may only get their boxes out every now and then but mine never have the chance to collect dust....ever!!! I'm a hard core fan of this era to the Bone!!! All are great working examples of our past. Boomies never say die... :-) (a rip from Goonies never say die)
A lot of money... yes. But look at these beauties

I'm not including the money spent on this 50's Telefunken model but here it is 100% original

Lasonic TRC-920

Well said Transistorized.

There is no doubt I have spent a small fortune acquiring my collection and most of it was done on the super cheap, scrounging for parts, rebuilding or making everything else.

But that doesn't mean I haven't spent money. In fact, the most I have ever spent, I just spent the other day, (which I don't want to talk about before I'm holding it :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Prior to that, I spent $450 on a 777z, $450 on a TRC-935, $500 on a TRC-975 (at once, from the same seller, not sure if that matters).

Some of this stuff can be draw dropping. I don't think of it as male posturing "I spent the most so I win" thing. I think it is such a deeply rooted desire to have that feeling the music created for us back in the day. That music is linked to so many memories and the conveyor of that music was the Model - XXX.

And to have the feeling...it's priceless.

UNFORTUNATELY some people have those memories tightly wrapped around super rare, super hard to find Gold C-100's ;-) and CHERRY M90's :-P Those people are just FARKED!

Not me! my memories are wrapped around $50 Lasonic's ALL DAY LONG! :lol: :lol: :lol: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:


Member (SA)
Transistorized said:
Don't blame you my friend. You only live once.

I do not care to spend any more money on boxes. I have all that I've set out to get (and get fully working).
I started out like you but there are so many gorgeous models out there that I'll be likely be adding more models to my collection for a long time to come.
As they come available for a reasonable price of course, which is getting to be a rarer and rarer occurrence nowadays.
And then you have to buy brand new models that fail to disappoint ;-)

It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I really got into this so I don't remember the era where reasonable prices were the norm, so I've spent a lot, but it's all been well worth it.
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