whats the deal with jvc

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Member (SA)
When I was in college as a project in advertising I designed a AM/FM cassette with cd player boombox (there were none at the time with CD players),and I wrote to Aiwa suggesting they make one, i agree with JT write some e-mails, It wouldn't hurt.


Boomus Fidelis
tony that might be a good idea but they may already be trying something new ,, i wish they would reissue a m90 but with all the modern stuff :-D :-D :ninja:


Member (SA)
Hi Ramon-I'm with that M-90 re-issue-that would be the bomb!!
I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing those DVD boxes-anybody hear or see any of these yet??
Thanks and have a great one-GB. :-)


Member (SA)
Ramon, I know you have the skills, you should get together with Frank, ( cause I know he is really good at restoring stuff) and make a new version.


Member (SA)
yeah, if you took the JVC M-90 case and put Aiwa 880 guts in it, than it would be perfect!!, just kidding, wanted to see what kind of response that would get,


Boomus Fidelis
well to be honest was thinking this to build a nice solid wood box but with boombox inards and a nice set of speakers and amp :w00t: :ninja:


Member (SA)
Prime (Brett) said he used to build Linear amplifiers, maybe he could hook you up with an amp for your custom boombox


Member (SA)
Manufacturers just don't seem to care as much about highs anymore.I know why they do this. Less HF presence only makes the bass seem more abundant as a ratio. To make up for the lack of highs they try to add spacial effects.Their selling a perceived balance of sound at the expense of good full range audio. To me what sets apart old school sound are the mids and highs (along with excessive power and volume) even if not the highest quality on some boxes . These are the essential elements missing in post Golden Era equipment. On the other hand,bass has just received more attention over the years. Maybe someone who has both an M90 and a Kaboom can test them together. Would a new version of the M90 only benefit having the bass of a Kaboom?

It would be great if JVC would bring back the M90.However,It's very unlikely it would reappear with only '80s technology from a manufacturer the size of JVC. It's also unlikely it would have the expensive materials that made the original though I suppose they could make this happen with a insanely high MSRP. Besides the i931 I feel there will be more classic reissues (updated for the 21st century most likely). Hopefully JVC will do something like this sooner rather than later.


Member (SA)
if they did re-introduce the M-90, imagine how much it would cost compared to what the M-90 cost when it first came out


Member (SA)
jaetee said:
Maybe we should reach out to JVC with some well written emails and try to poke them into this direction???

If the Lasonic is the only kid on the block now, that's pretty sad.

I say JVC should do a retro styled new box called the M100!

It would need to have:

  • [*:2700f4kk]Radio (digital okay)
    [*:2700f4kk]VU meters (Analog preferred, but LED would be okay like can be found on the Sharp GF-9696)
    [*:2700f4kk]Front load horizontal CD player where you can watch the CD spin How cool if you could record to CD???!!!!.
    [*:2700f4kk]Cassette Deck with record capability (but that probably won't happen)
    [*:2700f4kk]MP3 Player dock via standard Line-in (both RCA and 3.5mm plug) or via USB interface where you could plug in a zip drive or portable HD loaded with music.
    [*:2700f4kk]5 band equalizer
    [*:2700f4kk]3-way speakers with 8" woofers
    [*:2700f4kk]Carrying Handle
    [*:2700f4kk]Battery compartment
    [*:2700f4kk]No cheezy stickers or colors. It should have some chrome and tasteful retro design elements. Silver or dark gray metallic (like M90).
    [*:2700f4kk]15~20 watts per channel output

Priced in the $400~$500 range.

I would buy one.

it would be way cooler if they brought it out for about the same selling price as the kaboom.
they could do it and it would be pretty decent.

honestly i wouldnt mind if it came in some cool colors. red blue black siliver. but if it was just grey and siliver its ok too.

15 watts isnt enough for me i would like to see a honest true twenty five per side i mean with amp on a chip designs this should be pretty easy for them to do.
rechargeable battery pack would be fine but only if they used a standard cel. like the batteries you get for a emergency lighting system a twelve volt seven amp hour cel would be fine with me. now that is most likely never gonna happen but for me that would be the most sensible battery pack. yep its heavy about nine pounds or so but it would last a long time and sla batteries are pretty reliable and cheap to replace.
recording to cd is cool but honestly cd is on its last legs as a viable media for recording.
i think it would be cooler and definately possible for them to have a direct to flash drive recorder. there is no reason why they couldnt do this the technology is there its proven and its good.
a traditional radio is cool i would most want that.
however they should also be able to do a box now with a built in wifi internet radio reciever.
that should not be too hard either.
those last couple of ideas would push the price up a bit for sure then i could see paying five or six hundred for one.
if they are gonna do a retro style boombox they need to make it modern enough that it would appeal to the ipod crowd.
if they dont there is just not enough people who would buy one. it really has to push the envelope for what a portable stereo can be.
it could still done tastefully and intelligently but it would take some thinking.
for vu meters of course i would like to see real ones. i do think tho a colour lcd display could show various things like station identification vu levels ect ect.
it would be considerable cost for them to incorporate some of the features i mentioned but it would be cool.
i would also say that if they were clever for who this was marketed for it could be a winner no doubt.
if they gave it enough power and made it high enough quality buskers would buy it the same way they bought m90s and kabooms and the bigger boomboxes.
alot of the bigger boomboxes with guitar jacks built into them went to buskers who used them as portable amps.
with the loss of the kaboom this has left a big void for them.
jvc hopefully will bring out something soon. i am hoping they will. i refuse to think that the big loud portable is dead.
it is a sad day if it is even if the last man standing was a round tube it was still one of the most powerful portables of them all.


Boomus Fidelis
ahardb0dy said:
if they did re-introduce the M-90, imagine how much it would cost compared to what the M-90 cost when it first came out

They could build it for less!
If they can build and sell the kaboom for $300 why couldn't they build a cool M-90 reissue with Kaboom technology for $300 to $400? Heck even $500 would be a fair price if it was built right. R&D costs would be a factor but it's not like they would be building a new car, the technology they need already exists and much of it could be swiped from the Kaboom parts bin.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
I don't think I've ever seen a boombox gain so much value on eBay over so short a time as the Kaboom. Heck, there must even be a few of them still sitting on store shelves somewhere! (I found one last fall at a local Meijer store for a clearance price of $150.) I have several Kabooms, I really like them, and they put out a good thump, but I honestly don't understand what's drawing people to them @ $600 each. They're not really rare (yet), they're basically eggs, they're almost impossible to carry around, the rubbery stuff on the ends of the early models turns to goo over time, they eat batteries, they have preset tone controls, and the tape decks (in the models that have them) tend to break after a little while.

I guess I'm just glad I bought' em while they were around. My Kaboom "collection" (unlike my 401K and house) has really appreciated in value! (Too bad I didn't buy a warehouse full of them.) Of course, as my wife keeps saying, they're worth nothing if I don't sell them. And (for now, at least) I won't.


Boomus Fidelis
Boom Shaka Laka I'm with you there, seems to be hype buying right now because JVC has discontinued them. The fact is they probably made more of these than any other boombox in history. I'm waiting for the panic buying to stop and prices to come back to earth before I buy one.

I just pulled out my Mini kaboom (RV-55B) for the first time in several years and damn that thing kicks, it even has good sound in the mids and highs. JVC could make a retro M70 just by moving the mini Kaboom guts to an M70 type box and it would be a serious retro boomer that they could produce for only several hundred bucks, I think there would be a market for this. :thumbsup:

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
If people are so hungry for Kabooms, imagine how they'd devour a retro boomer made by one of the majors! It's hard for me to believe that, so far, only Lasonic has made the attempt!


Member (SA)
Boom Shaka Laka said:
If people are so hungry for Kabooms, imagine how they'd devour a retro boomer made by one of the majors! It's hard for me to believe that, so far, only Lasonic has made the attempt!

And what a cheezy, half-assed attempt at that....


Member (SA)
Crazy money, but It came with the rare vehicle adaptor, which would add a little more to the price.
...but not that much!

redbenjoe said:
last night --this kaboom sold for $600 !!!
there have been about a dozen up there -- well over $500 --

so --it may not be just a temporary price fluke -

this should wake-up JVC --

every outfit loves to bring out brand new goods
with this bottom-line $$$ potential

i predict its a GO :-) :sin:

http://cgi.ebay.com/JVC-Kaboom-RV-NB10W ... 7C294%3A50


Boomus Fidelis
jaetee said:
Boom Shaka Laka said:
If people are so hungry for Kabooms, imagine how they'd devour a retro boomer made by one of the majors! It's hard for me to believe that, so far, only Lasonic has made the attempt!

And what a cheezy, half-assed attempt at that....

:agree: That's probably the biggest problem with the Lasonic.
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