What would you really pay for a modern box?


  • $100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $250

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • $500

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • $750

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • $1000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $1500

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2500

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Price is no object, M90 / C100 looks, earth shaking power, modern parts, connectivity

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Screw modern radio's I prefer AM Radio and 8 Tracks

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • I would Never buy a new radio

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
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Boomus Fidelis
Exactly, I just got a Pioneer STEEZ for $90 shipped, and the original retail was more than $400. Very good build quality too, with gaskets on each of the doors.
Reli said:
Exactly, I just got a Pioneer STEEZ for $90 shipped, and the original retail was more than $400. Very good build quality too, with gaskets on each of the doors.
Yep, and imagine if JVC did make an exact clone of the M90 and charged an inflation adjusted price for it - you would have everyone bitching about the price!!

Then the inevitable comments would come like: 'it's too big and heavy', 'it distorts if I play Dub Step at maximum volume', 'it's got no sub 40hertz bass', '10 D cells - rediculous power consumption' etc, etc, etc.


Boomus Fidelis
Yeah these days everyone wants a little 6 pound tube they can stuff in their backpack. Then they wonder why it's useless outdoors because it's all bass and no mids. Or how its battery dies after 2 years and can't be replaced.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Yep, and imagine if JVC did make an exact clone of the M90 and charged an inflation adjusted price for it - you would have everyone bitching about the price!!

Then the inevitable comments would come like: 'it's too big and heavy', 'it distorts if I play Dub Step at maximum volume', 'it's got no sub 40hertz bass', '10 D cells - rediculous power consumption' etc, etc, etc.
Hey Jimmy, How's it going? I think most of us realize that none of it will ever come back. The golden age of electronics is dead indeed. I am going to try to keep a few relics for as long as walk this on this earth in as good a shape as it may possible. Maybe one day some of them might make it to a Museum! :yes:

Bringing any of it back would never be for the current masses, but rather one last run for the generation that lived it, that loved it and still appreciates it. I'd never suggest it for the current generation, I understand they would simply not want it. It's a simple concept. I do agree though, when you look at these charts straight on, the answer is obvious. To be able to see laterally it takes real vision and some courage, which may not be enough for any of them big companies to consider producing one last good piece of Hi-Fi, portable or not. :nonono:

This romantic notion that I and some others have that the big companies might yet decide to re-produce a "Limited Edition" of some of these relics has also probably elapsed and the timing for such an idea is no longer viable, or hasn't been for a quite a while now, if it ever at all. :sad:


Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Reli said:
Yeah these days everyone wants a little 6 pound tube they can stuff in their backpack. Then they wonder why it's useless outdoors because it's all bass and no mids. Or how its battery dies after 2 years and can't be replaced.
or an iphone :blink: been using my new studio 1m Reli...if a E9 can blow one of these away or a diamond box they must be pronominal...the studio is as good as the dp200 kaboom if not better, im blown away by it :-)


Boomus Fidelis
Rimmer36 said:
or an iphone :blink: been using my new studio 1m Reli...if a E9 can blow one of these away or a diamond box they must be pronominal...the studio is as good as the dp200 kaboom if not better, im blown away by it

Studio 1 vs Kaboom in terms of bass? I think the Kaboom has a lot more. The Studio 1 starts off really strong at low volume, it's amazing how those little speakers fill the room........ but eventually those little bitty woofers start flapping while the Kaboom keeps going. Two polar opposite machines. The Studio 1 is a hifi box that can play ANY type of music, as long as you stay on top of distortion. The Kaboom, on the other hand, is only good at playing hip-hop....(and only modern hip-hop at that)........it has absolutely no mids or highs. Trying to listen to any kind of guitar music on it is pointless.

I've never heard the Diamond Box, but there's some videos on it.

Lasonic TRC-920

I see this subject is back from the dead, because this subject has never been totally settled. BUT there are companies making "Nostalgia" boxes, the DJ Tech looks good. From the reviews I have see the Diamond Box slightly noses past the new Aiwa and if that's the case DAMN! Because that Aiwa rocks the block hands down. Then there's the Bumpboxx, haven't heard one, but it has some of the look.

My biggest gripe with modern crap today is design. Almost everything is a 1 button POS! All black with some hieroglyphic symbol near a button that is suppose to navigate the whole system. It controls the menu, the keyboard, the everything. Personally, if given the chance, I would drown that designer in a toilet of his own piss!

BUT, I am from the era of the great space race! I want everything to look like the control panel of a NASA launch station! "T minus 10 seconds to Blast off!". The more buttons and switches the better. I want to find a new switch, something I didn't even know that box had, even though I've owned it for 15 years, every time I use it! I want switches for lights, switches for "On this" and "Off that". Knobs inside of Knobs. Loudness switches that add BOOST to the Loudness switch! 40 band equalizers!!!! LED VU runway meters that could land the Space Shuttle in heavy weather! AM/FM/SW1 through 20/CB Radio/Cellular bands and a baby monitor frequency! Multiple cassette decks, a turn table with a reel to reel on the back! Inputs to end all inputs, XLR, 1/4", 1/8", 1/16", RCA, stereo mics, bluetooth and optical fiber. AND CHROME! Enough chrome to make the EPA designate the manufacturing facility a superfund site! Lastly, I want "Pull the World Over POWER!" I wanna crank up Slayer in Los Angeles and wake up kids in Bangladesh! I want it to hit a 7.5 on the richter scale when I'm at 7.5 on the volume knob!

Oh, and I want it to be affordable so everyone can have one! :yes: :-D :rock: But that's just me :-P

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
I agree lasonic920 this is why im having such a hard time thinking about buying the E9 as without mods it just looks like a bland black piece of plastic i mean it doesn't even have a real handle, at least the diamondboxx has that, but i hear the diamond box doesn't even have tone conrolls so i'll prolly pass on both, the bump box looks great but it's just far to big so im passing on that, i had a wheely once and that was just stupidly big... :-)

Reli not sure what's up with my funken but it shaking the room far more than any of my kabooms did lad, heck im not here to argue i gave away the kabooms mate there just to fugly but to be fair the dp200 was better than any other kaboom out there with real bass and treble controlls :-)

ohh Reli did you know the grilles come off on the funken :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
BUT, I am from the era of the great space race! I want everything to look like the control panel of a NASA launch station! "T minus 10 seconds to Blast off!". The more buttons and switches the better.
HA ha, that is EXACTLY how I feel!!!

I would always fantasize about being in some spaceship, flicking all the buttons and switches. Even if it was just a washing machine!!

Rimmer36 said:
Reli not sure what's up with my funken but it shaking the room far more than any of my kabooms did lad, heck im not here to argue i gave away the kabooms mate there just to fugly but to be fair the dp200 was better than any other kaboom out there with real bass and treble controlls :-)

ohh Reli did you know the grilles come off on the funken :thumbsup:
Yeah, I had a DP100 and it had those tone controls too. They improve the sound a bit, but no matter what you do, you just can't get good mids or highs out of it. I think the front-facing speakers have soft foam surrounds, which was a dumb decision. They should have used paper surrounds for better mids.

And yeah the Telefunken grills come off real easy. Which is good for cleaning purposes (So many Germans smoke, lol)

Lasonic TRC-920

Reli said:
Yeah, I had a DP100 and it had those tone controls too. They improve the sound a bit, but no matter what you do, you just can't get good mids or highs out of it.
NOT TRUE! Superduper figured out a way, albeit at great expense and effort! :lol: The Racoon Kaboom! That thing was amazing! :clap:


Member (SA)
Didn't Prime come up with a treble hack for kaboom circuit boards? Never got around to checking mine out but it sure looked promising.
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