I see this subject is back from the dead, because this subject has never been totally settled. BUT there are companies making "Nostalgia" boxes, the DJ Tech looks good. From the reviews I have see the Diamond Box slightly noses past the new Aiwa and if that's the case DAMN! Because that Aiwa rocks the block hands down. Then there's the Bumpboxx, haven't heard one, but it has some of the look.
My biggest gripe with modern crap today is design. Almost everything is a 1 button POS! All black with some hieroglyphic symbol near a button that is suppose to navigate the whole system. It controls the menu, the keyboard, the everything. Personally, if given the chance, I would drown that designer in a toilet of his own piss!
BUT, I am from the era of the great space race! I want everything to look like the control panel of a NASA launch station! "T minus 10 seconds to Blast off!". The more buttons and switches the better. I want to find a new switch, something I didn't even know that box had, even though I've owned it for 15 years, every time I use it! I want switches for lights, switches for "On this" and "Off that". Knobs inside of Knobs. Loudness switches that add BOOST to the Loudness switch! 40 band equalizers!!!! LED VU runway meters that could land the Space Shuttle in heavy weather! AM/FM/SW1 through 20/CB Radio/Cellular bands and a baby monitor frequency! Multiple cassette decks, a turn table with a reel to reel on the back! Inputs to end all inputs, XLR, 1/4", 1/8", 1/16", RCA, stereo mics, bluetooth and optical fiber. AND CHROME! Enough chrome to make the EPA designate the manufacturing facility a superfund site! Lastly, I want "Pull the World Over POWER!" I wanna crank up Slayer in Los Angeles and wake up kids in Bangladesh! I want it to hit a 7.5 on the richter scale when I'm at 7.5 on the volume knob!
Oh, and I want it to be affordable so everyone can have one!

But that's just me