What would you do?!

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Member (SA)
Ok guys,maybe I got my occasion!There is a vintage sharp gf 777 on sale here in italy!But unfortunatly it doesn't have both tape doors..I don't know the price,I'm going to call him tomorrow (it's midnight for me now!). What do you suggest me to do?do you think there would be the possibility to find both tape door?or is it hard?
I wait for your answers!Thank you guys!


Boomus Fidelis


Boomus Fidelis
If the price is ok for you, take it.
Better a box without doors, as doors without a box. :lol:

But look for the main conditon.
Fully working?
Marks around?


Staff member
It could take a really long time.... sometimes it feels like an eternity.

If you are an optimist -- go ahead, cuz for you, hope springs eternal.
But if you are a pessimist, pass or you'll be miserable since you'll be convinced one will never pop up.
Me... I'd only be interested if it was dirt cheap.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
if its a dream box get it there are so many doors that fit it
under $300 aus/us/can is good if you realy want it say $200if you aready have a few
i got my first 777 for free no doors of the doors came from a spare 555 on they went and dah dah
no grills oh well
doors from all these fit 555 666 515 525 and more
so go for it brother :breakdance:


Member (SA)
I refused...he asked me 400 €!!Are you crazy man?!400 without TWO tape doors?!Even if it seems in good condion (looking at the picture) if I think it is too much!The seller told me that he had taken a look on google and that it's hard to find one of this radio in Italy..yes but I could find one in Germany or somewhere else!The hunting is open again!
This radio will make me go crazy!

shane higgins

Member (SA)
thats to much if you do get it for say 300 euros we will all help you get some doors
as it hurts to have this box with no doors
get the photos


Member (SA)
Wow 400 euro without doors its too much. This guy is idiot or lurker just reading how people loving those boxes and think for a big profit. Forget em. He is not goin to sell it anyway. Not for that price tough. Youll find yours. Just be patient :yes: .


Member (SA)
Try and reason with him, you might be able to get it down to say 275...

Make sure you use the missing doors as a bargaining tool!

Good luck


Member (SA)
It's hard because he said that he thought of deleting the bullettin because he loves this radio anyway!It misses the 2 tape doors because of a move!Anyway I think that 300 is not to much..but I'm always afraid for the shipment..and also because of the 2 doors!I don't want to take them out from my new 666!


Member (SA)
Naa it's far from here (I live in milan!)It is situated in the south!Anyway I'll wait for a bit of time and see what he will do..he told me to phone him back..let's see!I have just contacted an ebay seller asking him if he had some deck doors for this box!Let's see man!Anyway I think that 400 it's too much for a boombox in this condition!


Member (SA)
$400 is pushing 'reasonable money' a bit too high for me too.

It sounds like he only wants to sell it for a lot as he still really would like to keep it.

There'll be other, Andrea! Patence will pay off.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
:agree: with rick!
There are some more boxes for sure.

But i´m also afraid he will get 400 (or more) when he threw it on ebay. :-/


Member (SA)
Hey I have door #2 if you happen to score it. Both my 767 and 777 have they're doors so I won't be needing it. I have other parts just in case. Let me know and don't worry if you don't score his. There are others out there!!!


Boomus Fidelis
By the sheer number of 777's I see on Ebay every week, I am guessing it is not very rare, so yes, I think you should be able to find some doors for it.


Member (SA)
Thank you Jboogie for your help!I have also contacted by email, a china ebay seller;he told me that he wants 69$ (shipment included) for 2 sharp gf 777 doors!I don't think it's to much!Anyway I wait and try to contact the seller next week,to see if he changes his idea abuot the price!


Member (SA)
News about this situation:
- I have contacted the seller,he could sell it for 350€ (anyway withous 2 tape doors). I had a long talk with him and anyway he seemed to me a trust person; I send him by email some photos about how to package a boombox and he told me that he will be more accurate. He had given me a good impression.
- another person had put an ad about a gf 777, he asked for 400 but this one doesn't have one grill. I found out anyway that he hadn't put the real photo of the sharp on his ad, and he doesn't seem a so much trust person (I'm worried about shipment).

So this is the doubt: what to do?I have already talked with the first one (good impression,real photo of the sharp and I can see it is in very good condition except for the 2 tape doors missing): he is the real owner of the sharp,and he told me that he wouldn't sell it but unfortunatly after a moving it lost his tape doors. The second seller is like a china seller; I mean he doesn't have sharp,he find them out and sell them..
Well,what to do?I would be for the first..mainly because of the good condition..but 2 tape doors missing!!!Maybe tomorrow he will send me more precise photo of the 777 (mainly the left angle with tape doors missing) in order to understand if it only misses them or other parts too!
What would you suggest me?!
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