News about this situation:
- I have contacted the seller,he could sell it for 350€ (anyway withous 2 tape doors). I had a long talk with him and anyway he seemed to me a trust person; I send him by email some photos about how to package a boombox and he told me that he will be more accurate. He had given me a good impression.
- another person had put an ad about a gf 777, he asked for 400 but this one doesn't have one grill. I found out anyway that he hadn't put the real photo of the sharp on his ad, and he doesn't seem a so much trust person (I'm worried about shipment).
So this is the doubt: what to do?I have already talked with the first one (good impression,real photo of the sharp and I can see it is in very good condition except for the 2 tape doors missing): he is the real owner of the sharp,and he told me that he wouldn't sell it but unfortunatly after a moving it lost his tape doors. The second seller is like a china seller; I mean he doesn't have sharp,he find them out and sell them..
Well,what to do?I would be for the first..mainly because of the good condition..but 2 tape doors missing!!!Maybe tomorrow he will send me more precise photo of the 777 (mainly the left angle with tape doors missing) in order to understand if it only misses them or other parts too!
What would you suggest me?!