What is a Duel portable cassette player.......?

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It's the newest addition to my collection, that's what! :thumbsup:

I love mis-labeled ebay auctions :breakdance:

Snuck this one in under the radar. Buyer had start price of $30 with $15 shipping. I asked if they had a buy-it-now and they switched it over to $45 for me :smooch:

Man, I love hunting for these :lol: . Can anyone guess what it is?



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So these are made just like those darn Crown 5100 boxes with no line in's?! :nonono: .

Line in should be mandatory on any boombox... Oh well, at least the cassette players work :thumbsup: .


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:lol: :lol: :lol: - OK Floyd

Melly, you really wouldn't buy one of these just because there is no line in?


Member (SA)
Fantastic work Blu!! Always loved that blaster, she looks brutal!

Shame about the line in though!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: - OK Floyd

Melly, you really wouldn't buy one of these just because there is no line in?

...Only because I play all my music through an mp3 player or internet radio. I do have a bunch of cassette for nostalgic purposes though...if I had known it was gonna change to a bin of $30 I probably would go for it. It has killer looks... :-D


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I agree melly - I don't use a MP3 player too often but I do have internet radio blasting through my boomboxes at work and that is a nice feature to have a boombox hooked up as your computer stereo :yes: .

This helix box does have killer looks. The last one I saw sold for well over $150 plus shipping. I am all about the deal as there is no nestalgic reason for me to collect. I am just too young to "remember the days" when these were everywhere and were the coolest things around.

So basically, "the more the merrier" is how I collect and also "the bigger the better" :thumbsup:


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This one is coming from California too, so they must be eating some of the shipping cost because they only charged me $15.... UPS packaged it up too so they are 100% accountable for damages if any.

Lasonic TRC-920

WOW what a price!

You know, you technically could PUT a line in! But since the decks work, you can get a cassette mp3 player as well. Either way, that is one heck of a price!

Also, since the decks work...just ROCK you mix tapes!

I agree with Glue, that radio looks sweet!


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F'n - A right doggy!

Great f'n price, great looking, big, working - can't beat that!

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
F'n - A right doggy!

Great f'n price, great looking, big, working - can't beat that!

As long as you got working decks, you can do anything. As we all know, the "Working Deck" is a big deal with these radios. So your set up! Besides, there are plenty of options for playback. Cassettes are the obvious, but cassette mp3 players are now common place.

More importantly, it looks like your radio is complete, meaning knobs, buttons, switches. Once you have that, your golden.

So when do we get to see PICTURES?
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