What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
" john the revelator "
a song that MUST be played LOUD !!

played the m70 :-)

btw --got it off the radio -- a loooong time ago--
so - anybody know who sings/sang it ??

Could have been any one of a number of artists...see here:

Checking out my newest purchase at St. Vinnie's...the TMK 725...watching Fox Sports NW on the 5 inch B/W while I'm cleaning it... :lol:


Member (SA)
i actually had the same cxomments on s2go as superduper did here Re; sw on bbxs but actually the sanyos asa well as the sharp gf's and most jvc 's the sw reception is quite good,and yes i have a large number of exc serious swl gear so humpf! :lol: :lol: ;-)


Member (SA)
When I got my first GF-9090 in 1978, it was in europe and Voice of America was where I got news...BBC had some good tunes, too. :yes:

People take SW for granted nowadays, I guess. Or am I getting old? :grim:


Member (SA)
agree with SD --
boxes are NOT for SW -- which suks anyway :lol: :lol:

Sorry-I just disagree-I love my boomboxes and I get short wave just fine.
Some of mine pick up short wave like nobody's buisness-especially the M-90 6 short waves!!
I want the K model of the 9994-I love these radios and nobody will be able to tell me otherwise-I've been lstening to boomboxes and buying them new along time before most of you had diapers!!
So there-GB. :-O :thumbsup: :nonono:


Boomus Fidelis
Not booming yet, but found this nice pic of my LASONIC: :lol:



Member (SA)
Hi-I got up early this morning-Listening to the Sharp GF-8989II with a Aura cassette 1982'.
Wow I just can't believe how good these sound-just amazing!!
I had it up to about 7 Killer!! What's nice is at low volumes these sound realy nice and clear-Just love it!!
Have a great weekend-GB. :-) :yes: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Been doing some shortwave band scanning on the Pioneer 757 - it's SW performance is superb. :surf:

Then switched over to cassette - Michael Watford's excellent album :cool: