What are you top 10 "Grails"?

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Member (SA)
Ira: the Nippon's the Bolt box!

Holly: I LOVE my M70, but with only 10 places it got pushed out. I could've added another 20 I love and count as holy grails, but I wanted to try and stick to the rules. A DiscoLite sounds nowhere near as good as an M70, but when you have it going it doesn't matter one iota.

If a DiscoLite sounded as good as it looked it'd make an M90 seem like a Coby by comparison.

My list was mostly filled by my Ghetto Wishes text file I made four years ago when I first discovered Stereo2Go and began compiling all the boxes I wanted and has become the blueprint to my collection.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Ira: the Nippon's the Bolt box!

Holly: I LOVE my M70, but with only 10 places it got pushed out. I could've added another 20 I love and count as holy grails, but I wanted to try and stick to the rules. A DiscoLite sounds nowhere near as good as an M70, but when you have it going it doesn't matter one iota.

If a DiscoLite sounded as good as it looked it'd make an M90 seem like a Coby by comparison.

My list was mostly filled by my Ghetto Wishes text file I made four years ago when I first discovered Stereo2Go and began compiling all the boxes I wanted and has become the blueprint to my collection.

Rock On.

HE HE! Sorry to give you a hard time... I think I'm getting a little momma-bearish to my M70... Maybe I need to see a specialist! HA HA!


Boomus Fidelis
I totally agree with Glu , the JVC M70 is a great grail bbx.. I would say it's probably the most well known and owned collectors box. But It's not rare so it's a grail for you because you have wanted one for so long but for me it was easy getting mine for $130 on eBay real clean. With some cleaning , deoxiting switches and pots plus getting rebuilt sliders from Norm , rebelting and adjusting and a strap from Blu made it 100% perfect :drool: they are all over eBay everyday unlike some of the others like the Sanyo Big Ben which may come up twice a year at auction :thumbsdown: believe me though I would not trade nor sell my M70 for nothing because it's a beautiful machine :-D :-D


Member (SA)
1. National rx7200
2. National rx7000
3. Sanyo 9994
4. Crown 950
5. Toshiba -monolithics with box and remote
6. Sony cfs77. (my first box)
7. Sharp GF-9595
2. National/panasonic rx7700
5. Toshiba bombeat 40
10. A Mystery Christmas Boombox

shane higgins

Member (SA)
sony_apm_fan said:
1. JVC RC-M90
2. Conion C-100
3. Toshiba Bombeat 40
4. Toshiba S90
5. Rising 20/20
6. Sanyo BigBen
7. Sony CFD-5
8. Lasonic TRC-931 (1st edition)
9. Sharp VZ-2000
10. Panasonic RX-5700

I don't have ANY of these yet.... :sad:
you dont have vz 2000 they sell like ten a week over east :sadno:


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
sony_apm_fan said:
1. JVC RC-M90
2. Conion C-100
3. Toshiba Bombeat 40
4. Toshiba S90
5. Rising 20/20
6. Sanyo BigBen
7. Sony CFD-5
8. Lasonic TRC-931 (1st edition)
9. Sharp VZ-2000
10. Panasonic RX-5700

I don't have ANY of these yet.... :sad:
you dont have vz 2000 they sell like ten a week over east :sadno:

True Shane, but often for crazy money. :annoyed:

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
Here's mine:

1) GF-777 (EA900 :-P ) My first boomer (or so I think, soooo long ago)
2) GF-1000 LOVE the blue backing and VU's :drool:
3) Conion C-100
4) GF-9494
5) Toshiba S-90
6) JVC RC-M90
7) Bombeat 40
8) Vela Discolite THE LIGHTS!!!!! :monchito:
9) Lasonic TRC-935
10) Helix Wheely 5000

Now, to get em all!!!

ps- Who else has edited thier list 3 times!!!


Member (SA)
I get on these kicks... For a while, I was on a Rising 20 20 kick, then it was the Hitachi TRK something or other, so I get on these kicks and I loose interest, but if the box stays in my mind for longer than a few weeks, I know it is an eventual must-have. ;-)

shane higgins

Member (SA)
2. SHARP GF777
4. CONION C100
5. RX C50
6. RX C45
9.5 SHARP 9696
10. SHARP GX 300

but i use a 9494 as my every dayer


Boomus Fidelis
1. PHILIPS supercompos (D8734 + D8718)
2. PHILIPS elephant *
3. PHILIPS D8614 soundmachine
4. PHILIPS powerplayer
5. PHILIPS moving sound series (all types)
7. HAMISONIC discolite (madonna machine)
8. RISING 20/20 **
9. JVC 550 "megamono"
10. LASONIC 931 (prefered 3.series) ***

* searching for :-/
** just got :thumbsup:
*** have only wreck of 2. series |-)


Member (SA)
:-D For me is the following:
1. Aiwa 880
2. Rotel RPM-10
3.Telefunken HiFi 1M
4,JVC RC-550JW
5. Pioneer CK-5
6. JVC RC-M75
7. JVC RC-M71
8. Conion C-100F
9. Panasonic RX C-100
10. Panasonic RX C-300

fresh produce

Member (SA)
Here my list of my top 10 grails well hunt them down one day thats what makes them so fun to collect :thumbsup:

1.Conion C100
2.Sharp GF777Z $
3.Sharp VZ 2000
4.Jvc M90 $
5.Jvc RC5500 $
6.Marantz PMS7000
7.Philips D8714 $
8.Panasonic RX5350 $
9.DiscoLite $
10.Toshiba Bombeat WX1 $

$ - Dont have yet


Boomus Fidelis
Here is my list in no particular order..... :yes:
1 Aiwa CS880.*
2. Fisher PH480.**
3.Telefunken Studio 1.**
4. JVC RC-M90.**
5. JVC PC-55.**
6. Aiwa CS-660.**
7. Aiwa TPR955.**
8. Toshiba WX-1. ***
9. Technics SA-09.**
10. Sanyo M-X920.***

* No longer own. :sad:
** Currently own these. :thumbsup:
*** Maybe someday.......... :drool:


Member (SA)
hollyrockets said:
1. Victor RC-M90
2. Toshiba BomBeat RT-S90
2. Technisonic Conion TC-999
3. Tecsonic J-1 Super Jumbo
5. Lasonic TRC-920
6. Lasonic TRC-931 (1st edition)
7. Sharp GF-508SB
8. Rising 20/20

"8 is enough." :cool:

Posting for Monolithic:

Sorry, I MEANT 9 is enough...

I did this in my sleep and forgot to mention the M70. My apologies, folks...

M70=awesome box :thumbsup:
It is very classic but maybe too "normal/stereotype" for some of the members here. I also love my minty M70 but to my shame I have to say i rather hook up my Lasonic 975, GF777 or VZ2000/2500...somehow they are more appealing sometimes. I use my M70 for listening to audio books though ;-) It has the cleanest sound I can think of...best heights. I have heard a M90 in Dessau when I met up with Blasterpunk and I have decided I will NEED that one.
But you can hear and see that the M70 is the M90s little brother and with a little skilled adjustment you can also make the M70 sound close to a poorly adjusted M90 :lol:


Member (SA)
Im gonna have to agree with ira on this one. I just can't do it.
had a list going....then there were like 6 boxes that slipped my mind.
impossible to make a top 10 list.
I will say the M90 is the goat.
the sanyo mx920 is the most beautiful box I will never own
Toshiba s90 and bom 40 are super ill
GF 767/777/999/1000 are must haves
GF 9191-9797 is an incredible line
c100 is everything you heard about it
sanyo m9990 and m9994 are ill
Rising 20/20 = ill
Crown 850/950 = ill
All the Lasonics are ill......I wasn't a believer til I got my 935. Build quality might not be there but the sound sure the hell is
and of course the m70 is one hell of a little powerhouse.......
and can't forget about those gorgeous aiwas


Member (SA)
1. Panasonic RX5700
2. National Panasonic RS4360
3. JVC RC M90
4. Telefunken Studio M1*
5. Sharp GF 508
6.Sharp GF 777/1000
7. Sony CFS d7
8. Conion/Helix/Clairtone C100f
9. Crown CSC850*
10. JVC RC 838JW*



Member (SA)
Awesome topic!

1. JVC RC-M70
2. JVC PC-5
3. JVC RC-838
4. JVC RC-646
5. JVC RC-M71
6. JVC RC-M90
7. JVC RC-550
8. Sharp GF-777
9. Sharp GF-9494
10. A gold box I remember seeing in a German store, but can't remember the make or model. I think it was a Marantz, but I haven't seen one that jogs my memory.


Member (SA)
5 SHARP GF-777 Z
7 SANYO M9998L
10 AKAI AJ-530 GX
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