Well this sucks

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Member (SA)
I have been wanting this model boombox (Pioneer SK-550) for at least 8 years,
I don't have the funds in my account after buying my textbooks for college, so I asked if he could hold the box until the 2nd of Sept and get payment then, he replied yes
then he bumped the price up to $50
THis doesn't sit well with me :nonono:

NO BID FOR YOU says the soup nazi

:'-( More holding out I suppose


Member (SA)
right find the money - pay him off - forget about the price - put it all behind you - and start loving the box that you have been waiting for 8 years for

so what if it cost a little more - so what if the seller is a BEEP* - it's just money in the end(i know not easy to say) but you will have the box you wanted

just check it's all working and in a good enough condition for you to accept

good luck bro :surf:


Member (SA)
I can hold out if I need to, I don't like dealing with sellers that do that

Ebay is getting bad recently :-/

And the prices are $$$ best to just stick with everyone here, there is an electro brand on the bay for $899 :lol:
I paid $80 for my HaroldKumar boombox


Member (SA)
I would pay the $60 but $70 is a lot because I am a full time student with a lesser income than a non student


Member (SA)
flip a coin to find out that answer

you can always make money when yer need to :yes:

what can you sell
what jobs can you do to raise quick cash - wash cars - cut grass(lawns not the green :lol: ) fix things - walk dogs -
sell stuff to your mates - beg your mates to see if they can help you
sell your body down the docks/shipyard
why don't you pm him back and see if he will take a near offer ?

8 years - you got to push and try harder or it will be another 8 years :dunce: :lol: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hey bro, the fact your in school and have priorities is a positive thing. HEADS UP, the older you get your going to have more priorities and your BILLS are going to be way more EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!! This is not a CHEAP hobby, most of of us usually buy our boxes with C R E D I T, and then pay off the debt in due time. This is reality, sometimes you have to pay a bit more than you want to get what you want. I hope you get that BOX............ But $10, he's doing you a favour.

WOW! :-/


Member (SA)
:-D I just bought an 8gb Ipod touch from my niece for $60-came with a belkin case
surfing the internet with it after unlocking it-she found it in the gymnasium at her high scool last year and just found it cleaning her closet out :thumbsup:

I will try and hold my trigger finger back on this auction.I couldn't pass the ipod up-can't wait for payday though :hooray:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I just checked it out, I would pass on it fully working or not. It has a good chunk missing off the front, the back is melted :-O .

bummer he jacked the price up :-/


Member (SA)
Glad to hear you're in school, improving your education. $50 seems a bit too good to be true for a good box. If it's your special radio then, I understand. Students struggle and I feel ya. But, You are lucky the seller is willing to hold it for you even if He/She raised the price $10 more. It is afterall, a business (ePay vending) and I can understand that the vendor must wait for a payment, the seller will want to make it worth his time. He could've sold it to anyone else anyway. Ask yourself, what's more Collectable/Rarer? An iPod? Or the Pioneer? Hell, I'd mow a lawn, or sell some blood plasma if I needed the box that bad. What's the going rate for a Kidney on the black market nowadays? (Kidding) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've done medical studies in the past, no joke....

16 days inpatient pays $3,700 :yes:

I'm totally normal, no side effects whatsoever :dunce:


Boomus Fidelis
Glad to hear you're in school, improving your education. $50 seems a bit too good to be true for a good box. If it's your specil radio then, I understand. Students struggle and I feel ya. But, You are lucky the seller is willing to hold it for you even if He/She raised the price $10 more. It is afterall, a business (ePay vending) and I can see the vendor must wait for a payment, the seller will want to make it worth his time. He could've sold it to anyone else anyway. Ask yourself what more Collectable/Rarer an iPod? Or the Pioneer? Hell, I'd mow a lawn, or sell some blood plasma if I needed the box that bad. What's the going rate for a Kidney on the black market nowadays? (Kidding) :lol:

Well said Adam and I agree.
I also understand the money thing and the lack of can make this seem really bad but for the points THAFUZZ made it really still is a pretty decent buy especially considering your desire for that model.

Good luck and I hope you eventually get your 550 even if it's not this one. :yes:
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