Was wearing my Boomboxery shirt and...

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Lasonic TRC-920

redbenjoe said:
i know that old guy --he;s got a huge vinix collection
I'm down with that! :w00t: :yes:

howie1976 said:
Wait, so you didn't get his number, he only got yours?!?! Bro, I really hope he doesn't lose your number!!! You may have to do more than scope out the subway, you may have to get a part time job there!
Yeah, seemed a little strange to ask for his number. It's ok, I will stalk him at Subway :lol:

Funny addition to the story, when my wife and I walked him he asked us if we wanted to a 2 for 1 coupon. He said he gave one to the guys eating outside and that he goes there all the time. I will see him again!


Member (SA)
I hope he calls!!! Him asking if you're interested in them seems warrant to ask for his number. My gut dropped when I read this. Could be a huge score or a major let down. Keep us updated Chris!

Also... nowhere in this post did I notice a DIBS!!!

Edit: ThaFuzz beat me to it. Dang. Guess I got 2nd.


Member (SA)
I deliberately avoided going for dibs. Why so? Well it's like this, Chris: Elderly strangers who proposition young fellas in public places carry a 53.7% likelihood of being serial killers so my guess is that there are no radios, just a small room with wipe clean surfaces, a chair, some surgical tools and a length of good strong rope.
Run far and run fast if he approaches you again... :w00t:

Lasonic TRC-920

Beosystem10 said:
I deliberately avoided going for dibs. Why so? Well it's like this, Chris: Elderly strangers who proposition young fellas in public places carry a 53.7% likelihood of being serial killers so my guess is that there are no radios, just a small room with wipe clean surfaces, a chair, some surgical tools and a length of good strong rope.
Run far and run fast if he approaches you again... :w00t:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-O :hmmm: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


Member (SA)
Old couples do funny things. He could have just taped the phone number to his M90 and discolight boomboxes, and then re-stored them.

Lasonic TRC-920

restocat said:
Old couples do funny things. He could have just taped the phone number to his M90 and discolight boomboxes, and then re-stored them.
:lol: I can hear him now...

"So sonny, do you remember the JVC M90? I only use it to listen to shortwave."

"I have my CB plugged into the inputs, not to many people on citizen's band anymore."

"Yep, they'll get these out of my cold dead hands I tell's ya!"

"Same goes for my 1970 Chevelle SS LS6 454, 4 Speed, convertible. I bought it brand new, I did, towed a trailer from Baltimore to California with that, way back in the 20th century. You needed a car with a big engine to tow a 30 foot trailer. Back when you could get lead gasoline for $0.24 a gallon, good ol' lead! Still got the original red paint with white strips"

"yep, you could buy a car made out of steel and a radio that would put out 100 decibels on 10 D cells, not like todays crap, all crap I tell's ya"


....btw, no call :-/


I Am Legend
this is torture !!
if he finally does call so very late -- tell him to FK-off :-) :yes:

still -- this story is 182 times happier then the time that nasty obeeeeese witch tried to chase you off the pier
bc your box was too loud --and then while she was running after you .. she collapsed and rolled over :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
this is torture !!
if he finally does call so very late -- tell him to FK-off :-) :yes:

still -- this story is 182 times happier then the time that nasty obeeeeese witch tried to chase you off the pier
bc your box was too loud --and then while she was running after you .. she collapsed and rolled over :lol: :lol: :lol:
I remember reading that thread. That was right after I joined. I still can't believe how awful that person was, just over a little music.


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
this is torture !!
if he finally does call so very late -- tell him to FK-off :-) :yes:

still -- this story is 182 times happier then the time that nasty obeeeeese witch tried to chase you off the pier
bc your box was too loud --and then while she was running after you .. she collapsed and rolled over :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow, I forgot about that mean lady.. The nerve of some people..


Member (SA)
You've got way to much boombox karma on your soul for nothing to come from this. At minimum he's got a 90's Panny pounder for ya. He'll call.

Lasonic TRC-920

redbenjoe said:
this is torture !!
if he finally does call so very late -- tell him to FK-off :-) :yes:

still -- this story is 182 times happier then the time that nasty obeeeeese witch tried to chase you off the pier
bc your box was too loud --and then while she was running after you .. she collapsed and rolled over :lol: :lol: :lol:
The difference in these two stories is, I DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAVE A RADIO WITH ME!

This could have gone south the second they saw / heard me!
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