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Member (SA)
Thanks for the encouragement guys! I'm trying to work out a deal with the seller, keeping my fingers crossed! I did ask him to make sure he bubble wrapped it( which he did) but the real problem was the size of the box he shipped it in.


Member (SA)
Bobby it had 2 layers of bubble wrap and I'm not kidding 3, count em 3 styrofoam peanuts! The box was way too small.

Fatdog said:
It looked like there was only one layer of big bubble wrap. Is that correct? There really needs to be at least three layers of big bubble wrap around the entire box. Better yet, wrap so much bubble wrap that you can't even see any boombox color at all.

Man, that sucks balls. You can ask sellers to wrap it a certain way and offer to pay extra for shipping, but most will just ignore you. :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
Yeah, Ive gone through the shipping box thoroughly but haven't opened the case yet. I do see little splinters in the tuner dial so... it might be pretty bad. Hopefully it will be okay. Oh and by the way those are my daughters 1D cards, yeah that's the ticket, they're my daughters.... ;-)

=ml= said:
Also, go through the box and all the packing material looking for parts before you move or discard it. I lost a switch cover by not doing so, but a member (Kenpat) sorted me out! :thumbsup:

BTW, nice 1D cards; my daughter would love 'em! ;-)




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ew yeah, I see the pieces stuck in the tuner window!

Not good man, not good.

There might be too many pieces for me to fix it for you. Other guys on the site are good with body filler/paint too. I'm going to have to pull back my offer to fix that rear case buddy, sorry about that.


Member (SA)
Oh man! Why do some people not get it? These things are delicate electronics and collectable too and this is how little respect they're shown :judge: :judge: :judge: . Always a crapshoot with Ebay! Hope you can fix it,too rare to let go :yes:


Member (SA)
Update - The seller refunded half the purchase price, which I thought was too good of a deal to just send it back. So it looks like I'll be trying the repair route. The good news is it survived mechanically sound, all functions work as intended! I'll pull it apart this weekend and post some pics. :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Yeah, man. That BLOWS!!! Well, if you can see if the front shell & internals are OK, & they check out, you can recommend a partial refund & offer to keep the box. If he hard-balls you on it you can just tell him you've decided to go through ebay & just talk to them about it. If the back panel is the only thing fubar'd & the unit still runs & fires up OK, U can get him to knock off at least 100 bucks as a refund & you keep it, as it is. You look around for a couple of months for a replacement rear shell for cheap.

Eventually, you get your grail, after all.


Member (SA)
Styleking said:
Update - The seller refunded half the purchase price, which I thought was too good of a deal to just send it back. So it looks like I'll be trying the repair route. The good news is it survived mechanically sound, all functions work as intended! I'll pull it apart this weekend and post some pics. :hmmm:

Kind of a decent result...you might be able to flip Joe a few bucks if he fixes the rear for you since you got half your dough back. :-D


bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
oh man I feel your pain....this has also happened to me .....a quad speaker sharp is 100-125$ to ship requiring 6 layers of bubble wrap and a double walled box :sad: :sad: It will take some time but you can repair the damage.. jb weld and some paint and the back cover will look as good as new....


Member (SA)
So sorry to see that!!!:( Beautiful radio and no concern for packing it nice! Darn criminal behavior not to:(:( Yes that back can be repaired!
Good luck!:)


Member (SA)
Ok here's what I came up with from inside the box:


As you can see I have 1 large piece 3 or 4 smaller pieces a broken post and about 50 or so shards.
I've fit the larger pieces together and the post goes on pretty easy but not real sure about the little ones? :hmmm: So where do I go from here???


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yikes. Acrylic cement the big pieces and the post. Someone will have to use body filler and sand/prime/repaint for you.


Staff member
Styleking said:
Ok here's what I came up with from inside the box:


As you can see I have 1 large piece 3 or 4 smaller pieces a broken post and about 50 or so shards.
I've fit the larger pieces together and the post goes on pretty easy but not real sure about the little ones? :hmmm: So where do I go from here???
I've actually rebuilt screw posts and other small stuff using JB Weld. And even if you get the big pieces all together, the integrity still is not the same because of all the breaks in continuity from the shards. The acrylic bonders will help but it seems like you'll need a whole new section to me. :-/


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
I've actually rebuilt screw posts and other small stuff using JB Weld. And even if you get the big pieces all together, the integrity still is not the same because of all the breaks in continuity from the shards. The acrylic bonders will help but it seems like you'll need a whole new section to me. :-/
If space allows you maybe able to reinforce the assembly using a bonded inner skin to the extrerior pieces, but it's alot of work re-assembling those shards.

Worse case like OS69 said...new section..

Retro Addict

Member (SA)
This is terrible, I hope you can get some if not all of your money back, that's just not fair! :sadno:

The GF-777 - type boxes always seem to break on the side of the back case when damaged due to poor packaging and rough handling, just like yours has. It must be a weak point in the construction.

I just can't stand how people can be so hard faced and careless - the way they're obviously not attempting to cover up the fact that they're trying their best to spend as little as possible on packing, to maximize their profit. :nonono: It's downright cheeky and disrespectful to the buyer. :thumbsdown:

I hope you can get this sorted. :yes:
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