Warbly deck sound...

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Boomus Fidelis
I think I have finally figured out this time when I originally put new belts on deck the belt was a little thicker than original and it seemed a bit tight. Well I figured it was wrong so I got another belt thinner and a bit longer. That seemed to work. Well with all the BS with the warbly I started focusing elsewhere. I tried lots and switching parts. Well I have finally for the deck sounding great, no warble :thumbsup: that's the beautiful thing when you have 2 decks to make a perfect deck. I finally accomplished that :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hi all, Just joined the site.

Trust me the warbling deck will be down to the motor.

As a 17yr old kid back in 85, I had a Philips d8644 with this problem & for the next five years or so I changed all kinds on that deck- pinchroller/capstan/belts.
A more experienced Engineer than myself suggested the motor - he was right.

BTW The philips d8644 is well dead & gone - sometime in the 90s, but I still kept the speakers!!! Looking for another one now.

Good luck.
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