Visiting the Dubby Mad Sound Shop in Shibuya, Tokyo

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Member (SA)
howie1976 said:
If my memory serves me correctly, I think Max already has every boombox known to man and extraterrestrial!!!!!
Haha, thanks for the compliment...but we as collectors know that no matter how many boxes you have, there's always room for "just one more" :lol: :lol:

Hurb said:
Great story and pics! Did you but any?
Thanks :-) I did not end up buying a box simply because I would have had to bring it home on the plane somehow...not really an easy task. I got the little boombox design book though that was released in Japan a couple of years ago. :yes:
Kenji's prices are alright but he definitely knows what he has and he kinda seemed like he did not really wanna sell his babies anyway. :lol:


Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
Haha, thanks for the compliment...but we as collectors know that no matter how many boxes you have, there's always room for "just one more" :lol: :lol:

Thanks :-) I did not end up buying a box simply because I would have had to bring it home on the plane somehow...not really an easy task. I got the little boombox design book though that was released in Japan a couple of years ago. :yes:
Kenji's prices are alright but he definitely knows what he has and he kinda seemed like he did not really wanna sell his babies anyway. :lol:
Was going to say looks more like a collection than a store. Lol
Looks like a good time was had by all involved though, thanks for sharing.


Member (SA)
Wow! Dont know how I managed to miss this. This is simply awesome. Doubt I'll ever get to see Tokyo but I certainly will make it a point to try now :-)


Boomus Fidelis
They should have a shop like that on every corner in tokyo being that's where many where made , being surprised by this is like being surprised that they have pancakes at Denny's.


Member (SA)

I noticed that he keeps the M90 and Big Ben by his side. He sure knows what he has. A lot of big players in the room. Obviously I like the C100 and M90 but I also would love to eventually get a Super Jumbo and the Lasonic TRC-920.

Don't have the funds at the moment. Only one other box I wouldn't mind having but I didnt see it there. A National 7000 series...oh and a Telefunken Studio....ah hell...I'd take 'em all


Member (SA)
Interesting to see that this thread has resurfaced after such a long time.
Sadly, from what I heard, the store has closed and disappeared. :( Just like Turbo Sonic...I was pretty sad to find a clothing store in its its place when I was in Tokyo in 2015. I guess stores in Tokyo come and go at a rapid pace but it is very sad to hear that this boombox sanctuary has disappeared for good.
Unfortunately, I am not in touch with Kenji as there was quite the language barrier. If anyone on here is, it would be good to know if he's doing alright. Despite not speaking the same language we were in fact speaking the same language when it came to boomboxes and it was very cool connecting with him and hanging out at his store for hours gesturing with our hands and feet, looking at radios and brochures and just having a good time.
I had the pleasure of meeting him again in 2016.
Kenji, thank you for what you have done for boombox culture! I hope you can still enjoy your great collection in whichever location you have moved to!


Member (SA)
Sorry to hear of this,There are a couple of Japanese members here(Geoff),maybe someone can track him down?!

I wish I could go to Japan someday!!😊😎
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