Virtual "Get well soon!"-card for ViennaSound

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Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
A special Philips get-well gift for you to help you feel better...


Hope you are in good health again soon! :yes:


Member (SA)
I guess the band wagon has reached you too. Hope your case is not as bad as mine.

So I wish you all the best.

CANCER sucks!! :thumbsdown:


Staff member
Terry said:
Roman, sending get well thoughts from Australia.

Get well soon mate, here's someone to help you feel better....

[ Image ]

Terry you've just helped us all feel better. :lol:

Nonetheless, get well Roman! You are the ultimate boombox hunter and you are a great member here with the passion to match! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
:-D Roman I hope you get better on time for the meeting, Get well my man and may the force be with you. I will pray to the boombox god so you get better my friend. :-D


Member (SA)
I just called Roman and he say he is feeling a little better and his condition is steady.
Sadly he told me that it is very certain that he cannot come to Dessau :sadno: .
It would not make sense if he was barely feeling well and visited a huge party like this - maybe he would break down in the end. :-/
So unless some miracle happens and he is fully fine again tomorrow morning, he is going to miss the Dessau meeting again - what a shame :'-( :sad: .

Still it is very good to hear it has not gotten worse for him.
Only one year to go until the next meeting :-/ .

I shall forward greetings to everyone on the forum from him. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks for all those lovely words friends! :smooch:
Boomboxery is simply great! :yes:

I cant also believe it.
Last year failed, and now again. :'-(
Sounds like a bad joke of boombox devil.

At least maybe it is better so, i got ill now.
Better as it happened direct on the meeting and i trow the party.

I wish all members a great time at the meeting.
Plug in any big PHILIPS and play it loud for me. ;-)

btw: hoping to get healthy till weekend 11./12.6.
There comes a big group of german railroad fans for visit vienna.
And i must do a big special ride ( i am the only driver who can do that). :blush:


Member (SA)
ViennaSound said:
Thanks for all those lovely words friends! :smooch:
Boomboxery is simply great! :yes:

I cant also believe it.
Last year failed, and now again. :'-(
Sounds like a bad joke of boombox devil.

At least maybe it is better so, i got ill now.
Better as it happened direct on the meeting and i trow the party.

I wish all members a great time at the meeting.
Plug in any big PHILIPS and play it loud for me. ;-)

btw: hoping to get healthy till weekend 11./12.6.
There comes a big group of german railroad fans for visit vienna.
And i must do a big special ride ( i am the only driver who can do that). :blush:

Relax, lay back and turn on a boombox while you recover :yes: .
We will be thinking of you!

Nevertheless - see you soon, not in Dessau but at another place :yes: .
(Although I still pray for the boombox god to kick the boombox devil's butt and let you recover like in a miracle to jump on the bus tomorrow :lol: :blush: )


Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
ViennaSound said:
Thanks for all those lovely words friends! :smooch:
Boomboxery is simply great! :yes:

I cant also believe it.
Last year failed, and now again. :'-(
Sounds like a bad joke of boombox devil.

At least maybe it is better so, i got ill now.
Better as it happened direct on the meeting and i trow the party.

I wish all members a great time at the meeting.
Plug in any big PHILIPS and play it loud for me. ;-)

btw: hoping to get healthy till weekend 11./12.6.
There comes a big group of german railroad fans for visit vienna.
And i must do a big special ride ( i am the only driver who can do that). :blush:

Relax, lay back and turn on a boombox while you recover :yes: .
We will be thinking of you!

Nevertheless - see you soon, not in Dessau but at another place :yes: .
(Although I still pray for the boombox god to kick the boombox devil's butt and let you recover like in a miracle to jump on the bus tomorrow :lol: :blush: )
Me too :yes: .
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