Virtual "Get well soon!"-card for ViennaSound

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Member (SA)
Today I heard from Roman that he has been really sick lately.
I am not going to tell any details because I don't know if he would agree with that but it looks like he cannot come to the Dessau meeting. :sadno:

I think it would really cheer him up if we all send him some nice words and wishes in this thread.

I am going to be the first one to say:
Get well soon, Roman! I hope everything will solve itself really quickly!


Member (SA)
Hello Roman,

I sincerely hope that you'll get well soon and have a quick return at the Forum!

Greetings and all the best from Amsterdam.

Kind regards,Rob


Well-Known Member
Staff member
When he missed the first Dessau meeting because of illness, that was sad. Missing the second Dessau meeting because of illness just really sucks. :'-(

Gute Besserung, Roman!


Member (SA)
Get well soon, Roman!
Hopefully you'll be fit for Dessau so we can meet aboard Herbie.
But even if you won't be able to join us, just get well as soon as possible.
WHA!? Roman? Sick??? NO WAY!!!
This is the perfect moment to go out to a Flea and get some medicine for ya! Be right back!!!
Oops, just remembered, no Fleas here... ;-) :thumbsup: PLEASE, GET WELL VERY SOON BROTHER, :smooch: :w00t: :blush:


Member (SA)
Hope your illness passes quickly Roman and you're back to fighting fit as soon as possible.

Keep on blasting brother.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Roman get well soon . You should come to Dessau dude. You need to get your present from me personally :yes: . We are all whit you for really fast besserung. Meet you on the Herbie trip :yes: .


Member (SA)
Roman, sending get well thoughts from Australia.

Get well soon mate, here's someone to help you feel better....


Lasonic TRC-920

Terry said:
Roman, sending get well thoughts from Australia.

Get well soon mate, here's someone to help you feel better....

[ Image ]

Don't know about Roman, but that made me feel better!

I hope you feel better soon Roman! Best of luck
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