Very important guidance on how to pack a box for shipment.

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Member (SA)
Cpl-Chronic said:
To translate thae terms for UK residents who send by Hermes, Yodel, UPS, DHL, TNT Overnight or Citylink:

FRAGILE = Dear driver, please feel free to practise your penalty kicks, kung-fu or javelin technique on this package.
THIS SIDE UP = Possibly, but only if you sit a pallet full of masonry or similarly dense salvage right on top of this box, otherwise, throw it in the van from as far and with as much force as is humanly possible.
DO NOT STACK OR DROP = This arrogant arsepiece is beginning to get on my end, would I tell him/her how to do their job? Thought not, so let's apply the technique from the earlier example. Also, if that doesn't kill it, put a rope around it, strop it to the lashing eye on the back of the truck and drag it all the way there, Mr/Mrs Know-it-all didn't say I couldn't do that!
REFUSE DELIVERY IF DAMAGED = Sod the recipient, they said it was refuse so I'll take it directly to the local incinerator site. Refuse delivered, QED. :-D


Member (SA)
All ebay sellers should sign off on having read this. I undstand you want to make the money, but they don't understand we are paying for this hobby. Pisses me off when I get sheet delivered. Nice thread by the way


Boomus Fidelis
cheap plywood crates are the best way to ship a box . i found that they weigh about the same or less than all that packing you need to send it in a flimsy paper box.
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