vela dynasty discolite, what price

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Member (SA)
ok i know not a lot of people like these boomboxes

ive been wanting one for a while now and have found a few for sale in the usa trouble is everyone thats for sale

are offers, the sellers don't have a price so i'm trying to gauge what a decent price is for the discolite.

i know the price reflects the condition and what the buyer is prepared to pay to have that box

but really i'm getting a bit pissed by everone thats selling these box's trying to make the most money they can

to be honest i'd just like one for my collection but its not looking likley

shipping from the usa taxs duty etc plus the pricey box all seems a bit ridiculous :grim:


Member (SA)
will start off by saying sorry don't know the price

what they are trying to do is see how much you would pay for one and hope that the price is good for them - the reason is the price's are up and down all the time

if you are think on one and it's not from a member - you need to check the history if ebay - you really need a video of it playing and all functions working

it's hard when you see some thing that you want bad, but be careful as there are alot of cons out there as they know boxes can fetch big money

on shipping be very carefull - they can sting you and tack that happy feeling away very quick if they add a high tax - some of the other members can tell you about that - and then there is what is it like when you get it - not every one knows how to pack a box and not let it get damaged in transit

don't rush in and find out all the details first ;-)

cheers B


Staff member
spaceboy said:
...........but really i'm getting a bit pissed by everone thats selling these box's trying to make the most money they can ......
who do these dammm sellers think they are, trying to get more money than I want to spend.....

spaceboy said: be honest i'd just like one for my collection.............
I'd also just like to have one for my collection which is why I will be bidding at least $1 more than you and why you won't be able to get it if I can help it. :-O So the only way you will get one is if you want it more than I do, and willing to put your money where your mouth is. :grim: :ls-duel:


Member (SA)
I'm sorry, but it's basic supply and demand. There's a short supply of these radios (even more so in decent condition) and the demand is always going to be high for them.

My advice is to avoid that crapshoot that is eBay and save up US$1000 or so and then post in the Wanted section here.

Unless you're extremely lucky and find one in the wild you'll be subjecting yourself to a lot of diappointment otherwise.

There's VERY few radios (I reckon less than 5) that consistently garner the kind of attention DiscoLites get, for at least the foreseeable future.

That said I wish you the best of luck getting one as, as far as I'm concerned, they're totally kick arse blasters.
Like everything else to do with this hobby patience is the key; I waited 4 years before I got mine.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
There's always hope, Norm!!

With all the blasterkarma you've amassed over the years you're probably due to pick one up mint in box for $2 at a yard sale some time soon.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
I don't like paying top prices of ebay for any box unless o have money to waste (of which i certainly don't :-D )

my sharp 9494 was free - took two years to get on with the recycle centre boys - now all links have been closed by higher powers - cameras and no back handers :sad:
my 777H was a swap of camera parts that i got over the years cheap - did a swap with a mate who wanted the gear and knew i wanted the box - both were happy with the deal
My M70 was with five other boxes including a V2000 for just a mountian bike frame of which i wasn't into - deal was all good for both party's

other boxes have come from carboots and mates looking out for me - most boxes are £5-£20 at boot fairs

it's a waiting game

like seeing a sweet looking woman - you want - you lust after - you long for - just some times it's way out of reach - just don't get burned if you are going after it as it may cost more than you want :lol:

play the game, but know the rules :surf:


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
I'm sorry, but it's basic supply and demand. There's a short supply of these radios (even more so in decent condition) and the demand is always going to be high for them.

My advice is to avoid that crapshoot that is eBay and save up US$1000 or so and then post in the Wanted section here.

Unless you're extremely lucky and find one in the wild you'll be subjecting yourself to a lot of diappointment otherwise.

There's VERY few radios (I reckon less than 5) that consistently garner the kind of attention DiscoLites get, for at least the foreseeable future.

That said I wish you the best of luck getting one as, as far as I'm concerned, they're totally kick arse blasters.
Like everything else to do with this hobby patience is the key; I waited 4 years before I got mine.
Rock On.
Very well stated Rick :agree: I too would like one and I know I will have to pay through the nose for it (several hundred) due mostly for the novelty & limited numbers. I also know not to expect the best sound quality. I love them for the flashy lights,etc. Just save up your money and be ready to jump on it when it comes avail. (Here, to be safe). Best of luck to all of us.

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
I've come close a couple of times but to tight to spend the $450 / $500 to secure!

I will find one for $25 if it kills me! :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
It's hard when you really really like something and it's financially out of reach. Just keep saving, looking, and trying.

You'll get one, eventually. These things are crazy rare.


Member (SA)
My sources tell me it's easier to get a shipment of AK47s in the country than it is to get a discolite :-/


I Am Legend
our site has sooooooooo much talent --

glue and norm and frank and ramon , etc -
could MAKE a discolite --

and their results would a better sounding -
and much more solid box-

i love mine --it would//should be the ultimate out-at-nite boomer -
but it feels like the handle will break and the case will crack :thumbsdown:

: :hmmm: :hmmm: :yes: :drool: :drool: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
our site has sooooooooo much talent --

glue and norm and frank and ramon , etc -
could MAKE a discolite --

and their results would a better sounding -
and much more solid box-

i love mine --it would//should be the ultimate out-at-nite boomer -
but it feels like the handle will break and the case will crack :thumbsdown:

: :hmmm: :hmmm: :yes: :drool: :drool: :breakdance:

Yup, Princess is a fragile girl... I just know it.
Like I've said before... She's lovely, just don't let her sing....


Member (SA)
thanks everyone, for the reply and your thoughts on this

eventually got a price from a seller 1500 us dollars is a bit pricey for this box then import duty tax and shipment, would probs work out around £2000 :-O

the hunt goes on :hmmm:


Member (SA)
spaceboy said:
thanks everyone, for the reply and your thoughts on this

eventually got a price from a seller 1500 us dollars is a bit pricey for this box then import duty tax and shipment, would probs work out around £2000 :-O

the hunt goes on :hmmm:

If I were you, I would take that one! It's a freaking bargain!!!!! :-O :-O :-O :-O

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Norm, I didn't know you were missing one! If on the off chance I find a nice one during my flea trips, I'll trade for something. :-)

For those of you watching james's great collection on eBay, it hard to not notice the discolite in the background.. He has the best background settings. :-)

Maybe if you buy a dozen of his boxes he will mess one up and pack a discolite instead. :thumbsup:
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