Agree %100 with superduper. Fixing then is also a pleasure

... there are some exceptions ...
A have voltimeter and a Storage Oscope (20Mhz).
I think that a function generator and a universal counter (or some combo) would be a great adition
You have lot of eq. there and from well known brands

In my prev. work I used to have more instruments. There was a vintage HP RLC (oohhhh I love those with red digits), a KEPCO power supply (the MOST accurate, reliable amd solid I've ever seen), and Advantest (RS) Spectrum Analizer and the friendly and always ready fluke scopemeter 123. When I moved, I missed the Kepco and the Fluke :'-( :'-( . I always dream of buying these .. but they are soooo expensive.
The Fluke 123 in Argentina is near 1500 dollars and the KEPCO (preowned, buyed at spin electronics) cost 1000 euro !!!.
If someone is looking for a good power supply, keep this in mind.