Mid February I scored my very 1st M90 locally off of Craigslist. Then 2 weeks went by, and one morning I get a call from the same guy, saying that he has ANOTHER M90 and an M80 and wanted to know if I was interested. I was like...HELL TO THE YEAH!!
My friend "ELDIRTYDINO" has also been wanting an M90 BAD, so I called him up and told him about it. Of course he was all for it, but had just bought a car for his wife and was kind of tapped out on funds at the moment. Either way, I just couldn't pass up this chance, so unknowing to my friend, I went out and bought it anyways to "hold" for him, and I am going to hand it over to him for what I paid when I picked it up. No upcharges of any sort. That's just not my style.
Anyhow, yesterday during casual boombox conversation, I said to him over the phone, "Hey man by the way I got your M90 working proper with the Line In" He started laughing, because he didn't know it was going to be his Lol. Needless to say, he was floored and VERY HAPPY. He will be picking up the grail Thursday morning and he can "pay as he can" (I work with him and I know when he gets paid Lol) Or we are going to work out some sort of trade with some partial $$$. I'm going to keep the M80, and clean it up proper and will post pics when I do. Its so DURRRTY. But what a great month for a newbie like myself to be able to score 2 of these bad mothers in 2 weeks!
I feel like gsbadbmr!
Heres a few quick pics from the other day after I brought em home. CHEERS!
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