Hey all, new to the forum because I'm seeking some help. I have a Toshiba bombeat 8900-s that is having issues. I got a suitable 12v adapter to power it on, and it worked for a short period of time. Was on FM radio but was pretty quiet. I tried adjusting the volume and it made a fuzzy noise while increasing volume. I had to fiddle with the knob for the volume to work. After about 3 minutes it went silent. The LEDs are still pulsing as if it was playing sound. I have soldering experience so I thought, maybe I can open it up and clean up the boards, check for loose connections, or replace capacitors. The back of it just won't budge so I didn't want to try and force it open and now I'm kinda just stuck. Any advice or tips on what I can do to get it working?? Any info is appreciated, Thank you