this is TOO GOOD !!!

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I Am Legend
we need an automatic time out --every day --for about 6 or 8 hours --
i havent even slept for 2 days - since joining up here --

we have too much going on at once :-D

cant keep up with you guys -

do we have a forum for the older/slower crowd ?? :lol:

need to logout --and get la-d :-O
or at least some sleep -- |-)

but - dont want to miss ANY fun here -


Staff member
Oh **** a smiley for me!!!! :afro:

Anyway, I'm trying to keep up as well. Lot's going on and it's so easy with the new interface to post!

But, I've gotta life as well. And what's really funny...

Is that IRA has trouble being the Postmaster 5000 he typically is! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm glad you like that smiley, Freddie! When I saw it, you were the first one I thought of. :angelic:

Hey Ira, yeah it gets kinda crazy, but the board will ALWAYS let you know of any posts you haven't looked at. :cool:


Member (SA)
"do we have a forum for the older/slower crowd ??"

that would be either the depends or Geritol forums Ira.


Member (SA)
:agree: I can hardly keep up myself.
But thats a good thing as there is always something new to read.
unlike other sites where there is really not much going on. ;-)


Member (SA)
Ira, Bobby said the site will be down for maintenance later for a few minutes, so do what you have to, eat, take a quick nap, go to the bathroom, but make it quick you only have 5 minutes!! than get your butt back here!


I Am Legend
tony --
5 minutes !~!! :'-(

i dont even have time to check ebay anymore -

havent bought even ONE boombox in 2 days :-D :-) :lol:


Member (SA)
Hi Ira-I just missed out on a GF-8989II,I just didn't go high enough!! It went for 116.00 I think-just missed it!
I was about to cry!! :-O :'-(
I want a really nice one of those even though I arleady have one.
I hope your doing alright tonight.
Have a great weekend as well-GB. :-)


Member (SA)
Ira, just got a message from E-bay, they said to tell you to come back because their stock just fell 3 points!!
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