Yes.....A sign of the times, right there.
Imagine not figuring out for a few days, that there was music on THE OTHER SIDE of the tape?!
Let's face it peoples, you can't flip one of these new-fangled Pod-things.....they don't have Side-B and Auto-reverse.
Plus-sides about walkmans......
1.......No software to go wrong, BUT they can eat tapes, and need re-belting here-and-there.
2.......At least when the batteries wear out, you *CAN* replace them. Tried replacing a nackered Pod-battery recently?!
3.......No compression, so it's all there, even the tape hiss.

Unless that is, you have noise-reduction.
4...... Good-quality sound on Chrome or even Metal. Some Normal tapes performed quite well also!!
5...... Removable Memory Cartridge Drive thingy. Er....what's it called again?

OH YEAH! Cassette!

( with a pod-thing, once it's scewed, its screwed.) Also, you can't drop your pod into a Hi-fi and play the music on it. With cassette, you CAN!
6.......You know I'm gonna say it..........IT'S ALL ANALOG, BABY!!!!!!
Yeah OK, they did have their downsides, just like pod-things do. But you know, when there's nothing better than the best, you just get on with it. Worn out batteries and chewed tapes were the norm, but I learnt something over the years.....DON'T play original cassettes. Make a copy onto a blank tape, using a tape deck that you know you can TRUST, and then use the copy. If the copy then gets moshed, its no biggie.