Hi Royal-Nice 777's! Are they both Z's or is one a H or different suffix?
Just curious.
I have the Z and the H!
Gotta get mine out this weekend-it's time!
Nice Sharp's-GB.
While we are on the subject, I have a question that's been bugging me. On the back of my 777 it says that the box is "60 watts." In the service manual, it says that the figure is 90 watts PMPO. Which is correct, and what does "PMPO" stand for?
While we are on the subject, I have a question that's been bugging me. On the back of my 777 it says that the box is "60 watts." In the service manual, it says that the figure is 90 watts PMPO. Which is correct, and what does "PMPO" stand for?
90 watts PMPO (Peak Music Power Output) is really a pretty meaningless figure that was commonly used decades ago and still is somewhat today. It's supposed to mean the amp is capable of hitting 90 watts as a peak not a sustained output but in reality that figure was often as high as twice what the real peak was that the amp could hit. Theoretically this is possible given the stored energy in the power supply but in reality these amps couldn't hit what was claimed. There was nothing to regulate this so manufacturers could litteraly put what they wanted in the brochures, manuals and adds. Have you ever seen some of the real low quality boxes list power output at 200 or even 300 watts PMPO? There's a few of these laughers out there.
While we are on the subject, I have a question that's been bugging me. On the back of my 777 it says that the box is "60 watts." In the service manual, it says that the figure is 90 watts PMPO. Which is correct, and what does "PMPO" stand for?
The power on the back is nothing more than the power consumption of the 777.
Forget the 90 watt power output. The power amps (4 pieces ) that the 777 uses deliver 7 Watt RMS.
Neverteless , the 777 can make a lot of noise
While we are on the subject, I have a question that's been bugging me. On the back of my 777 it says that the box is "60 watts." In the service manual, it says that the figure is 90 watts PMPO. Which is correct, and what does "PMPO" stand for?
90 watts PMPO (Peak Music Power Output) is really a pretty meaningless figure that was commonly used decades ago and still is somewhat today. It's supposed to mean the amp is capable of hitting 90 watts as a peak not a sustained output but in reality that figure was often as high as twice what the real peak was that the amp could hit. Theoretically this is possible given the stored energy in the power supply but in reality these amps couldn't hit what was claimed. There was nothing to regulate this so manufacturers could litteraly put what they wanted in the brochures, manuals and adds. Have you ever seen some of the real low quality boxes list power output at 200 or even 300 watts PMPO? There's a few of these laughers out there.
I saw 80 $ crap that was rated 1000 Watt. I wonder what dumb ass would believe this. I guess you can hook up a toaster to it . That would make that 1000 Watt more realistic
I saw 80 $ crap that was rated 1000 Watt. I wonder what dumb ass would believe this. I guess you can hook up a toaster to it . That would make that 1000 Watt more realistic
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