the "principle of the thing " ?

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I Am Legend
say an ebay seller has a 'wantable' , interesting and RARE box listed for a 7 day auction -

you ask a question with 6 days left..
get no reply :dunce:

ask again with 2 days left...
get no reply :huh: :thumbsdown: :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:

there is 25 seconds left in the auction -
with just ONE bid --at 99 cents !! :-O

what do you do ??

for me --its usually fk im in the ear -
and let him sell it for the 99 cents
:-D :cool:


I Am Legend
well --its not any big $$ risk :-)

but dont forget --
whenever we place any bid -
we either bump up the sellers price --or we actually win the thing !!

either way --
this dink who cant be bothered to reply to questions -
gets more money
:hmmm: :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
This exact thing happened to me last week, and numerous other times over the years.

If I think I'd be happy to pay $150 for a box and it's on 99¢ with a couple of hours left I ALWAYS bid the full amount with 7 seconds or less left on the auction. Bid hard and big once.

Even if the seller is a dingbat for not answering my questions I'll do this. Worst case scenario and it goes to hell theres always Paypal to back me up. One thing I've found pretty consistent with these type of sellers is that they have every intention of honouring the sale of the item, they're just not good computer users who know how to check their messages.

This happened last week with some tapes I found. A bunch of 7 nice chrome JVCs still in their wrapper. It opened at like 70¢ or something, and had no bids, so I emailed him to see if he would like to sell them Buy It Now. No response.

Three more days go by and I send him an message much like the other one but this time stating I'd be happy to pay $28 BIN. No response.

I comes down to the last couple of hours and the auction's got about 8 bids for all of $1.79 or so. So I wait till the last second, put a bid of $30 in and then when I refresh the page I see I've won them for $7.

Rock On.


I Am Legend
so what did you do and if not bought is he going to relist ?

bendy --this happens very often -- in this particlar case -
the auction is still has lots of time left

rick --GREAT story
you won it 25% of your value


Well-Known Member
Staff member
redbenjoe said:
this dink who cant be bothered to reply to questions -
gets more money
:hmmm: :thumbsdown:
I agree. I've had several experiences like that - not just for boomboxes. If a seller doesn't reply after two e-mails - f*** 'em! :thumbsdown:


Boomus Fidelis
Some of these people are not boombox collectors, so they are not prepared to answer a really detailed question.


I Am Legend
often true , reli

still - it would be wise for any seller to earn some goodwill -
just to reply that they dont know the answer


I Am Legend
ok - now here is the perfect example --
this one just ended a few moments ago --

and with just ONE bidder -- who won it for ONLY 99 cents !!!

i had asked this seller -- politely and TWICE ..
very simply ...
if it had a tone control or separate bass & treble controls ??

not too complicated - right :-D

but NO reply --
hope he enjoys his 99 cents :dunce: :dunce: :thumbsdown:

and the winner ... did well :thumbsup: :-) ... 2c5faeae7b

btw --so folks dont think im a screaming idiot :lol:
for passing on this cheapo deal -
i found out elsewhere that it only had tone control -
i have PLENTY of those types-
so - didnt want it
............................... nice box , though :breakdance:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
ok - now here is the perfect example --
this one just ended a few moments ago --

and with just ONE bidder -- who won it for ONLY 99 cents !!!

i had asked this seller -- politely and TWICE ..
very simply ...
if it had a tone control or separate bass & treble controls ??

not too complicated - right :-D

but NO reply --
hope he enjoys his 99 cents :dunce: :dunce: :thumbsdown:

and the winner ... did well :thumbsup: :-) ... 2c5faeae7b

btw --so folks dont think im a screaming idiot :lol:
for passing on this cheapo deal -
i found out elsewhere that it only had tone control -
i have PLENTY of those types-
so - didnt want it
............................... nice box , though :breakdance:

Not bad for a buck.

Might have been a buck twenty if he answered his questions :lol:


Member (SA)
If theres no ansewer to any questions ive asked i tend to stear clear.
On the other side of the coin ive had buyers ask me questions with like 5 mins of an aution left, it takes me that long to type yes or no, this post has taken about an hour :-P

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
I applaude sellers that don't buckle to BIN emails.
If they wanted to offer a BIN they could have when they listed.
Bid your BIN amount and if it's meant to be it will be!!!!


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
ok - now here is the perfect example --
this one just ended a few moments ago --

and with just ONE bidder -- who won it for ONLY 99 cents !!!

i had asked this seller -- politely and TWICE ..
very simply ...
if it had a tone control or separate bass & treble controls ??

not too complicated - right :-D

but NO reply --
hope he enjoys his 99 cents :dunce: :dunce: :thumbsdown:

and the winner ... did well :thumbsup: :-) ... 2c5faeae7b

btw --so folks dont think im a screaming idiot :lol:
for passing on this cheapo deal -
i found out elsewhere that it only had tone control -
i have PLENTY of those types-
so - didnt want it
............................... nice box , though :breakdance:

Yeah had the same problem asked the seller twice about shipping to the UK, no response.
Would have liked this I have a silver one.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
OK WHat YOU DO IS SET UP 2 FAKE ebay acoounts drive the price throught the roof and watch how quick they reply to your question when the bullshiat winning bid dont pay up lolololol
hay if they are so lazy not to answer then f..k them and waste there time i hate non collectors getting hundreds for there boxs
if they dont know what they got then they should not get a bive reward because no dout they will under pack it when sending
hows that for the "principle of the thing "
no no all jokes aside we all know what we are prepaired to pay so put that did in and walk away win some loose some
i did it with my c100 put in a $200 did as there was no resonce from the seller walked away and won it for $164 even less than the $200 i offered to the seller

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
With 700+ postive feedbacks @ 100%, I might have taken a chance. But, on principle, it's probably wise not to send money to someone so unable or unwilling to communicate. It depends on how much you feel you need what he's selling. I' ve shopped at many stores over the years where a clerk/owner was rude to me. If I really craved what the store was selling (rare records, for example), I put up with the rudeness and laid out my money. I needed to buy more than the store needed to sell. My not buying would've hurt me more than the store/owner. Like Seinfeld said, it all depends on who's got (the upper) hand.
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