the Philips Le Cube

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Member (SA)
I have been offered one of these in good condition and have been told it will be 'cheap'.
can anyone give their 2 cents about this box. i know it looks kinda novelty but i figure if it's cheap then why not!


Member (SA)
I just know - Roman love em :yes: . Never seen one in person. But from his photos look cool. And have a beer holder so go for it :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I took the picture with beer in the holder. I think it was designed for the old coca cola cans. They fit perfectly and you can close the lid.
This radio is something else. I think you will like it.
Quality and sound is not outstanding but solid.
Does it come with the original strap? Because it got no handle...



Boomus Fidelis
Go for it! :yes:

It´s no HI-FI unit, but a HI-FUN :lol:
3 small cans and a few tapes fits into the storage place.
and with 4 speakers it still have a good sound :yes:
on the beach you will get "the look" :cool:


Member (SA)
I dropped mine from a great height the other week :sad: And it smashed quite badly but there are some spare parts if needed?
It's a white one tho........


Member (SA)
alfie said:
I dropped mine from a great height the other week :sad: And it smashed quite badly but there are some spare parts if needed?
It's a white one tho........

awww man, that's rough! sorry to hear. i am not sure what colour the one i am getting is yet. i didn't ask the guy, but i shall contact you if need be.
thanks! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I recently got myself one too and I love it :surf:
So I just bought another one :lol: The second one is white though... and missing the strap.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
Yea Nathan get it if it's yellow and you mite keep it
If its white you will probably get rid of it latter
Don't pay more than $20 as they always pop up at the swop meets
How's the 9998 and 555


Member (SA)
i finally got my hands on the 'le cube' today. it sounds alot better than imagined!
unfortunately it is the white version, but it was cheap and it shall do for now :-D
everything is in working order and it has the strap.
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