The one box missing from my collection is the _____.

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
A lot of people are after the elusive Wheely :hmmm: . Good thing that was my first box :-D .


Member (SA)
Hahaha, indeed OSS! I was just about to change my answer to the BomBeat 40 as I'm still yet to get my Crown 970... two years later the dream is STILL alive!!

Rock On.

Master Z

Member (SA)
Wow, this was a 2 year old thread brought back from the dead.
Looking back I wanted an NIB M90.
Guess I settled for a minty one instead. :-D

And Partridge, don't say never, boxes pop up when you least expect it.
Keep your feelers out and be patient, it'll happen.


Member (SA)
I want that boombox that's as loud as the C-100F, kicks bass like the Hifi Studio 1M and flashes like the Discolight :-P


Boomus Fidelis
well i would like to have the only box i need but all i have to do is steal it from ira because he has it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :smooch: :lol: :lol: :lol: :monchito:


Boomus Fidelis
here's the only ones i need to retire ,two bad sumbitches ! :lol:


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