The lack of Sony love here?

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bill said:
for sure. i mean there unique design influence was pretty well felt.
i would also say that i think that there is little or no doubt that sony was going for a different market in terms of who lasonic would have been aiming for.
theres a ton of love for sony boomboxes and when i think about it i think you would be hard pressed to find a maker who put out as wide a variety of boomboxes as sony. i mean they really did push the envelope for design. also i seem to remember sony being the first company to give us a cd boombox. i could be wrong but... i dont think i am.

Sony co-invented the CD, so that wouldn't surprise me at all. Hell, they either invented or co-invented the DVD, Blu Ray discs, the Walkman, minidisc format and a whole bunch of other things I can't remember at the moment,... not to mention the 1st gaming system that was based on the CD format. :cool: I think the only MAJOR failure they had was the Betamax tape.

Sony. The one and only. :cool:

el cad

Member (SA)
bill, I did not know anything about the rechargable battery packs. About what year was that?

Mono, you the man. I've been Google imagine searching for that box off and on for a while and could never find it. I saw an ad when I was a preteen and wanted it so bad. I never would have thought the name was Cublic, that just sounds weird.

I think I can safely put to bed my ASSumtion that their is a lack of Sony love here,


No Longer Active
el cad said:
Mono, you the man. I've been Google imagine searching for that box off and on for a while and could never find it. I saw an ad when I was a preteen and wanted it so bad. I never would have thought the name was Cublic, that just sounds weird.

That's a very rare box, but I'm sure that somebody here or at s2go has one. :hmmm:

You're welcome. :cool:

el cad

Member (SA)
Sony co-invented the CD, so that wouldn't surprise me at all. Hell, they either invented or co-invented the DVD, Blu Ray discs, the Walkman, minidisc format and a whole bunch of other things I can't remember at the moment,... not to mention the 1st gaming system that was based on the CD format. :cool: I think the only MAJOR failure they had was the Betamax tape.

Sony. The one and only. :cool:
Not trying to be negative, and you made some very good points. But the Sony Playstation was the first massively successful CD based gaming console. The Sega CD, NEC Turbo Graphics CD, Philips CDi and 3D0 all came before the Playstation.

I think Sony's biggest flop was trying to bring the Walkman into the digital age. Their first players didn't even use MP3s, but some special Sony format. And look where that got them, now they make boomboxes with Apple iPod docks not Walkman docks.


Boomus Fidelis
This nice SONY i changed against a LASONIC.
But it was a nice unit.
autorev.tape, CD (flip out) and MD link!
Digital tuner, digital equalizer! :w00t:



Member (SA)
el cad said:
bill, I did not know anything about the rechargable battery packs. About what year was that?

Mono, you the man. I've been Google imagine searching for that box off and on for a while and could never find it. I saw an ad when I was a preteen and wanted it so bad. I never would have thought the name was Cublic, that just sounds weird.

I think I can safely put to bed my ASSumtion that their is a lack of Sony love here,

the sony fh7 had them from about 1983 or so.


Member (SA)
I just found a video of a Sony i never ever seen before and its amazing ,watch


Member (SA)
SONY has some cool stuff about it,

it does have some styling of its own,

its like something, a little edge to it,

that makes it SONY.

I have always enjoyed SONY products.

those boxes look stylish.


Member (SA)
el cad said:
There was a Sony i remember from the early 80s. It looked like 3 cubes stuck together. The speakers could rotate upwards, and the tape deck was on top. Oh and it was red. Anyone know what I am talking about?

Sorry for bringing this topic up, and sligthly OT at that as well.

Back in the mid 80s I came in contact with an Akai item very similar to this Sony. It was silver with some marron bits, it also had the flush controls typical for Akai at the time - and if I recall correctly it had speakerdrivers on more than one side of the cubes.

Have not been able to source images on the web - but I am attemptig here to see if it jogs any memories.

Oh: I should add that I grew up with Sony and Phillips - my dad was a Audio/Video repair specialist and those two brands where big at the time here in Norway.


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Staff member
emmkayfive said:
el cad said:
There was a Sony i remember from the early 80s. It looked like 3 cubes stuck together. The speakers could rotate upwards, and the tape deck was on top. Oh and it was red. Anyone know what I am talking about?

Sorry for bringing this topic up, and sligthly OT at that as well.

Back in the mid 80s I came in contact with an Akai item very similar to this Sony. It was silver with some marron bits, it also had the flush controls typical for Akai at the time - and if I recall correctly it had speakerdrivers on more than one side of the cubes.

Have not been able to source images on the web - but I am attemptig here to see if it jogs any memories.

Oh: I should add that I grew up with Sony and Phillips - my dad was a Audio/Video repair specialist and those two brands where big at the time here in Norway.
Welcome aboard, emmykayfive. :-)

You are probably referring to the Akai PJ series of boomboxes. Some pictures can be found starting here: ... d=9&page=4


Member (SA)
I think the lack of "Sony love" here might be because of the Sony's lack of commitment to the art of boomboxes. Admittedly, Sony has always been a legitmate electronics retailer worldwide but they lacked a flagship model during the boombox heyday. When you think of JVC you think: the M-90, Sharp had a flagship the GF 777Z, Sanyo had the Big Ben and Conion the C100. There is no pre-eminent Sony box. There a a few nice boxes but no flagship that lead to exctiement for other models in the brand. At least thats my opinon!


Boomus Fidelis
Yeah unless I'm mistaken, there aren't any Sony 1-pieces with top-notch M70 or TPR quality sound......... At least I've never heard anyone say that about their Sony.


Staff member

I have an FH-5, CFD-5, CFS-9000, CFD-444, A mini with the FM tuner that pops out, another Sony mini, Walkmans of course, had a DW-55 and 66 with the rear firing sub, oh I have the D-5 Discman and another discman...

Maybe something else? :hmmm:

Yep, I got plenty of Sony love! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
ive had the following sony models.....
cf 560s.....great little seventies box,well made,great sounding :thumbsup:
cf 570s.....another seventies box but larger,built like a tank,performance untested as it was totally duff sadly :thumbsdown:
cfs 77.....early eighties box,build quality not quite as good as previously but great sounding :thumbsup:
cfs 88.....just got this curious fold out box,build quality is solid,so too is the sound,its a great unit :thumbsup:
id love one of those zilbap sonys,as i would a cfs f5.but only time will tell if i spot one :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Nice timing to resurrect this thread.
In my post on the first page I was still lusting after a CFS-99

Ironically I have my third CFS-99 being shipped to me this week.. hopefully this one will finally allow me to get together one fully working one.

Rock On.
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