The Global Traveling Tape Race - TEAM Maxell's Shipping Log

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Lasonic TRC-920 said:
So, Should I pay for OVER NIGHT shipping? :huh: How close are we?
Jaetee already has the Team JVC tapes in hand. :-P


:lol: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

Well guys I'm sorry we lost. Batting clean up can mean one of two things, either you hit the home run that wins the game and are the hero :-D or you strike out at the plate and get spat on as you leave the stadium! :sad:

But on the flip side, I saw the track listing and I think Team Maxell did a GREAT job and I'm happy to have gotten a chance to add tracks to it.

JT, The tapes are in the mail to you. I added 4 CLASSIC must have boombox tracks, I hope you'll like them. I also threw a CD in the box for you.

We'll get them next time guys! :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
I dont think so. :no:
Bot race tapes nearly arrived equal. :yes:
And i think we had the longer distance.

Waiting to see the result of both tapes. :cool:


Member (SA)
The Maxell Tapes are now in my possession!!!

You guys are too much!!!! Starting with the package I knew I was in for a treat!!!!

Just so you guys know, the original intent with the "gift" was to keep what came to you and send some kind of local memento for the next member receiving the tapes. Looks like you guys sent me the whole lot of add-ins!!!! Not that I'm complaining, mind you! There's some cool stuff in here for sure! There's a CD (demo CD from Chris' band perhaps???) a signed world-record domino from Max (not pictured.... oops! sorry!) and some post cards. There are some really funny Garbage Pail Kid trading cards in here, too! They are absolutely hilarious. I wish I had a scanner so I could scan them individually. Instead, I'll probably shoot digital pic of them instead. Will do that at a later time.

For now, I'm enjoying the Maxell tapes and recording them to digital file....

More updates to follow. In the meantime here are a few pics!

The Maxell tapes, log and the added gifts (minus the very cool world record domino)


The JVC Tapes, log and add-ins...


And last, but not least, the M90 playing one of the JVC tapes, with the Maxells still boxed!



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Yeah, we are the coolest :cool: . I see my business card and Milwaukee Brewers baseball ticket :thumbsup: .


Member (SA)
The Garbage Pail Kids have the names for everyone in the the trade (apart from Roman unfortunately), as well as a couple of extras for other boomboxery celebrities (and their partners in some cases).

Great to see all the gear turned up! Can't wait to hear how the tapes turned out!

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

I'm glad those showed up intact! GOOD DEAL.

How proper is the end it's all played on the M90. That is sooooo Perfect!

Hey Glue, which GP Kid am I?


Member (SA)
Haha, yeah! Frank N Stein for you and Turned On Tara for your good lady wife!



My favourite of the lot is still the one for Ira.


Rock On.


Member (SA)
Tara got a big kick out of that.
Bulls Ira is friggin hysterical too.
Great Job.
I cant wait to hear the tapes either.
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