The Global Traveling Tape Race - TEAM Maxell's Shipping Log

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Boomus Fidelis
My idea, if the tapes really don´t arrive:

Stranj take any other empty tape, record his songs and continues the journey.
Fuz send his copy to jaetee.
So at the end will come both together.

But just an idea... :blush:

Btw: im hoping it will arrive.
The tape i send stanj inclusive gifts (and also other direction) worked fine. :yes:


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My dubbed tape was unfortunatly recorded over with some freestyle rapping from my cousins :sadno: - So I have no copies to re-send..... this sucks.

Sorry guys. Maybe if we are lucky they will show up this week.
Told you guys not to fear, I got a call today from the Post Office. The tapes have arrived!
The traveling continues and NO the douche wannabe-president Hugo did not listen to ANY of our tapes! :thumbsup:
Hey guys!!!

So sorry I haven't been here, got the tapes and a really cool present from Blu_Fuz thank you so much bro!!!!!

Pics later of the present!!!! I'm leaving for Mexico to an International Festival with my a cappella group tomorrow but NO FEAR since I will send them from MEXICO!!! (talk about a traveling tape huh?)

Thank you again to Joe for the really special present, it has a special owner now! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :hmmm:


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The game ticket is even in the box with the present - I was there. I bet no one within 1,000 miles has what I sent you :lol: .


Member (SA)
Mexico? A Capella group?
Whatever dude...just visit Ximena Navarette! :lol:


OMG. :drool:


Staff member
BMoney seems to know the names all the cute chicks. I never knew 90% of these gals ever existed. Cataloging celebrity chicks must be part of BMoney's daily job, I think... :hmmm:
Quick greetings from Lima, Peru! (plane stops here first)

And personally I love Patricia Materola better!!! (Google her up)

Take care you guys I miss you!!!



Staff member
Superduper said:
BMoney seems to know the names all the cute chicks. I never knew 90% of these gals ever existed. Cataloging celebrity chicks must be part of BMoney's daily job, I think... :hmmm:

Certainly wouldn't be a lack of takers if that is the job description...and pay may not be a big deal! :lol:
Ok guys, the tapes are leaving tomorrow to Australia, I hope Glue likes the little present, I hope it fits!!! ;-)

I apologize for the delay, I'm in Puebla, México in a World Choir Festival celebrating the 200 years of Independence at the same time, it's gonna get pretty crazy here.

I'm sending them from the Hotel in regular mail, well packed in big bubble wrap so I hope it arrives in good shape!

We have benn eating plenty o' hot sauce... mmmm so good!!!

There are choirs from: Poland, Serbia, Argentina, Colombia and us from Venezuela!

Take care you guys, I'm trying to get a box here, but they're not easy to find... :-/
Hey Glue!

You should be gettin' the tapes in about 10 days or so...

I hope you like the little "somethin" I got ya! It's the CHOSEN ONE... I'll explain later... hehehehe.... hope you like it bro.

I'm going back home on Sunday and will upload some pics of the trip to México

I'm meeting up with a friend who collects tapes in Oaxaca, I don't know him personally but he's already got me some tapes for my collection!!!

Take care you guys,

Miss ya,

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