The ever elusive Aiwa TPR-950 - FINALLY GOT ONE!

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Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
jaetee --i was saying//crying that the meters and the volume i get -when recording using my ALC
is very low --so i need to use manual recording to get some good sound --

also - how well // bright does your tuning dial lamp work on batteries ?

I'd say that my tuning light drops to about 70 or 80% of what I get when it is plugged into the wall. But, to be fair, this box only uses 6 x D-cells. (which kinda surprises me).

About ALC, for the most part I have always been disappointed by ALC recordings on any tape deck. I avoid using it like the plague. When manual is an option, I use it. Period.

I recorded on the Aiwa a bit last night and the ALC wasn't too bad. But, I think the tape deck signal going into the amp could used a boost in general. I wonder if that is adjustable. And if the VU's are also adjustable. I have tapes here that I KNOW peak about around +3 db, but show up on the Awia as peaking out around -7db. That's WAY off.

I bet when you record and are hitting at 0db or +2, that you are not seeing that same level at playback, are you?

I'm going to play with that a bit now that the sleep switch and FM issues are "fixed." and see what happens.


Boomus Fidelis
Thats a real beauty J.T. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I got a "beater" TPR955 from Ira and I agree,they are a great sounding and well built unit.
I like the fact that it only takes 6 D cells.
Anyways,congrats! :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
skippy !!!! :annoyed: :annoyed:

that 'beater' was MINT :drool: when it left here ---
so all that crap musta happened in shipping
:-O :-)

go to your post office a file a claim -
no problem :-P :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
jaetee --i was saying//crying that the meters and the volume i get -when recording using my ALC
is very low --so i need to use manual recording to get some good sound --

I just got off the phone with the tech who repaired my SK-71's tape deck. Turns out he has a customer with a JVC M71 who needs parts and was asking me if I had a parts unit... As we were wrapping up that discussion I mentioned the Aiwa and our collective VU meter questions. He made some interesting points that might help us understand what we are seeing. He said the Aiwa's low VU response could have something to do with how Aiwa interprets the IEC standards for 0db in cassette decks. Some companies would set their tapedeck VUs differently from others such that 0db on one deck might register anywhere between -3db and +3db on another. As a representation of those differences, he specifically pointed out to me that, if a deck has dolby, I should pay attention to where a tape deck shows the dolby symbol on VUs. He went on to explain that the double-D dolby symbol is added to VU meters as a sign of where that dolby related "upper limit" is reached on that unit, such that if you push the signal past those symbols, dolby NR basically looses its effectiveness. My Naks that have that symbol show the DD logo at exactly 0db, yet my Pioneer SK-71 (with LED VUs) shows the DD at the +2db mark. He said a Tandberg decks will show the DD at -3db. Since the TPR-955 doesn't have Dolby, this doesn't really help tell us anything specific about our Aiwas, but it does serve to give a great example of the industry wide variance.

Getting back to the TPR, make note of the yellow & red lights located between the VU meters... The yellow light flashes at +3db and the red one at +7db. These are also a form of VU meter and appear to be there to help prevent users from pushing too much signal to a tape during recording. AVOID RED (LOL!) But, isn't that what the VU meters are for in the first place? The fact that those lights are there make think the TPR's analog VU's are most likely set up to register an "average db" meter rating, while those two extra lights are there to indicate the peaks. In my mind, that adequately explains why the VU's are not so active.

In my final post last night I mentioned that I would record another test tape with the TPR. I did so, and pushed a heavier than normal signal to make those lights and meters dance quite a bit. The yellow +3 light was on a lot, and I'd get the occasional flash of the red +7 light. But he analog needle readings were around 0db, maybe a bit higher at times.

Now, during the playback of that same tape, my analog VU meters are peaking much lower, at around -3 db, noticeably below what they were showing during recording. Yet the little yellow +3db light between the meters was flashing briefly during the heavy bass hits. The red one does not flash at all during playback (but occasionally did during recording). So, recording VU readings were clearly more sensitive than the playback readings. I have no idea what caused that.

Now, when I put that tape in my Nakamichi RX-303 (which was recently calibrated to exact specs) it peaks at around +6 db! I was using a cheap, normal bias Maxell UR tape and definitely pushed it into mild distortion range. (on purpose...)

When I asked the tech why the tape deck seems to be tuned to the amp noticeably quieter than the tuner, the tech said that it was likely that way on purpose because of the inherent hiss you get from tape (especially in a portable) and because tapes are recorded differently from tape to tape, user to user, etc... Some are recorded louder than others and setting the tape to amp level lower preserves headroom.

He also said that it is very possible that the internal tape volume might be adjustable, but didn't know for sure. The service manual might reveal that for us. But, if all of us with TPRs are experiencing this then it was likely set up that way from the factory for a reason.

Truth be told, just about all of my boxes seem to give quieter tape playback when compared to the tuner signal. It just seems a bit more pronounced on the Aiwa. To solve this, I just turn up the volume. I never get to max on any of my boxes anyway...


Member (SA)
Very very nice Jaetee!
I like this,it looks nice and that's cool that it's all working!
You have a very nice M-70 also!
Overall nice collection.
I'm glad you got a nice boomer there!
I'm looking for a 880 someday like Tony's.I heard the decks in the Aiwa's are nice!
Have fun with it-GB. :-) :yes: :cool: :surf: :breakdance: :choco: :cool:


I Am Legend
for anytime --when recording in daylight --the manual settings always
give better results- :-)

so the only times i need to use ALC is outside on a dark night --

when fumbling to find the manual controls and reading very dim meters -
is useless :thumbsdown: :-O

however --lets agree that one of the rare useful attributes of some women.........
is that they can be trained to hold flashlights :-D :w00t:


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
skippy !!!! :annoyed: :annoyed:

that 'beater' was MINT :drool: when it left here ---
so all that crap musta happened in shipping
:-O :-)

go to your post office a file a claim -
no problem :-P :lol: :lol:
I knew I got screwed by the Post office again,S- - T! :annoyed: :thumbsdown:
LOL!!!! :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
Dammit Man!!!! Congrats! I know you've been hunting one of these FOREVER!!! Get her fixed up man! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks Freddie... Sony_apm_fan's suggestion to push down on the button actually fixed two of my issues. All I really need is the two switch covers for this to be back to 100%!!!!

I'm at Saddlebrook resort with friends on a boy's weekend of golf... I'm listening to it right now! As I'm typinig it's playing Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love"



Staff member
Most of the higher end machines have adjustments for playback level and bias, recording level and bias, ALC adjustment, etc. These Aiwas are 35 years old. My first inclination if to ensure that he tape heads are 100% clean, then adjust everything to specs (I don't have service manual), and if that fails to bring back up to spec, then recap the boombox. It would not suprise me if tape playback is lower (or higher) than the tuner but most of the time, I would expect the signals to be about equal. I don't buy the explanation that tape signal levels is purposefully cut to reduce hiss. Making the signal low will only cause the operator to turn it up to compensate and if the signal level is too low, will only serve to lower the S/N ratio.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
I don't buy the explanation that tape signal levels is purposefully cut to reduce hiss. Making the signal low will only cause the operator to turn it up to compensate and if the signal level is too low, will only serve to lower the S/N ratio.

Fair enough... When you put it like that, it makes total sense. It's just interesting to me that several people with this box are experiencing this "not so loud" tape section. I will go on the hunt for the SM!


Member (SA)
Fantastic score JT!!! She's a wonderful radio, great to see you get her up to scratch too!

Also, I've got the 2 switch covers you need.


PM me your address and I'll get em off to you soon as I can.

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

What a great thread. That is one of the CLASSIEST designs out there. It;s also great to see that you are really using the recording features of your radios. This is something I really want to get back into (something else on my list of things to do)

Thanks for helping understand the VU meters also. I have gone back and looked at the meters on some of my radios.

Wild that is only used 6 D cells too, very efficient!


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Fantastic score JT!!! She's a wonderful radio, great to see you get her up to scratch too!

Also, I've got the 2 switch covers you need.

[ Image ]

PM me your address and I'll get em off to you soon as I can.

Rock On.

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

AWESOME!!!! Thanks!!!! Will send PM shortly!


Member (SA)

I got a little package the size of a cassette from Belmont, Australia yesterday..... Not only did it contain the absent switch covers for my TPR-950, but there was also a wicked cool looking Sony Walkman mixtape! It seems that Rick was paying attention a while back when he posted about some cassettes that came his way and I made a comment that I felt one of those Sony tapes with "Walkman" across it would look very cool with my brand-spankin'-new "my first Sony" player that I had just won. (There's a separate thread on that in the walkman forum, or just click here:

So.... here is an updated Aiwa pic highlighting my freshly imported parts from down under! It's amazing what a visual difference two such small little parts can make!!!! My Aiwa TPR-950 is really 100% now!

I must say that I really love this box! It really sounds better than it should for a portable one piece that runs on only 6 D size batteries....



Member (SA)
Totally rockin' JT!

Always a pleasure to help a brother out.

Also, I forgot to mention originally, those switch covers originally came fom Ben r o y a l ®!
So those little bits of plastic have gone from japan originally, to the uk, to .au now to the u.s.
Killer stuff!!

Rock On.
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