The ever elusive Aiwa TPR-950 - FINALLY GOT ONE!

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Member (SA)
I've loved the look of these ever since I first laid eyes on one, and after hearing from many here how good they sound... It's been at the top of my hit list.

But when they do come up on ebay (which is apparently very, very seldom) they usually go for substantially more than I'm willing to pay, and that's usually for a box with major electronic issues... or it's overseas.... or it has terrible cosmetics... etc... The stars just never seemed to align themselves just right...

Anway, about a month ago I'm browsing through he site and I catch a glimpse of box in the upper corner of a pic that one of the members there posted. It was of a "display" shelf in a store. I got the name of the store and made some calls. Technically the box was not really for sale. It was used as decor. To make a long story short, they tested the unit and we agreed on a price and now it's MINE!!!! They did put in new belts so the tape deck does play. But, it also has some minor issues that will need to be worked out to make it truly 100% (listed after the pics).

So, without further ado, here's my new toy!


The only really noticeable blemishes that can't be cleaned up are these two dings here:


Biggest issues.... Power / Sleep switch is always down, so it's in permanent sleep mode.... and missing two switch covers!


I do love the sound. It is every bit as good as was promised to me by our resident ancient redbenjoe, Uncle Ed, and Jens (member Aiwa, or TPR on S2G). Each of them told me I would love this box and they were all right. If I had to lump in with some other units for best direct comparison, I'd put it right there in league with the Sanyo M9990 and Pioneer SK-71, which is a good thing.

Overall, this is a very warm sounding box, with more bass than you'd think, but crispy treble as well. It is definitely more hi-fi than blaster. And in case you were wondering about how it stacks up to the JVC M70, the acknowledged King of mid-size boxes... Yes, the M70 is much louder. But at a normal listening volume, I'll take the Aiwa.

Other items of note... It doesn't have dolby, but I don't really use that anyway. And it only has a two-position selector for normal or chrome tapes. However, you really only need that setting if you record onto a metal tape, which is not something I would do in ANY boombox. So, that feature is typically a non-issue for me as well. You can play a metal tape in it just fine (using chrome setting) and they sound great. I was listening to an MA-R and it sounded downright sublime!

Aux-in is interesting. It shares the same switch as the tuner. When the box detects something is plugged into the RCA line-in, it automatically mutes the tuner.

As mentioned above, here is the list of quibbles...

1) it's in permanent SLEEP mode and won't play radio unless tape is engaged. Switch will only stay in down position. and when I move it up it has zero effect. Switch seems broken, anyone have a parts unit and can spare the switch? Let's talk! My prime reason for wanting this fixed is more related to being able to use the Aux-In without having to play a tape. Radio or Phono are secondary.

2) FM stereo functions eratic. Won't lock into stereo unless I quickly flip the tuner band selector down to SW and immediately back to FM. Then I get a strong FM stereo sound and the FM Stereo light stays lit. But when I move the tuner dial to another station, the problem starts all over again and the FM stereo will not lock a the dial positions where I know there is a strong signal. It stays mono. I'm not sure if this is related to an actual defective part inside, or if this can be fixed with an adjustment? I am a 90% tape guy, so this is not that big of a deal for me, but would be nice to have perfect. If anyone has some suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

3) missing two switch tops / covers. Anyone got spares? I got tapes to trade :-D Or will buy...

4) VU's and sound from tape seems to be about 20db lower than actual signal on tape. Tape signal through amp is much quieter than radio. Ira said his acts much the same way. Can this be adjusted? Anyone else have one that can play a tape and check how much action you get from your VUs?

So, to me.... what this Aiwa might lack in overall brawn when playing tapes (compared to M70) it makes up for with sheer style and overall sound quality. I'm really glad I landed it. Oh, and when I do play the radio the VU's go into full swing and it does get pretty damn loud.

Despite these issues.... she's a defnite keeper and will be a permanent part of my collection!!!!!



Member (SA)
Yeah, this is a nice one. And pretty heavy for it´s size. Nice find and a cool story, how you finally got yours =)
I hope you can fix the issues.


Member (SA)
Big grats, theres nothing better than that warm fuzzy feeling inside when you finally get a box that you've been looking out for for aaaages.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The TPR-950 is a beautiful boomer with a great color combination.

Jens would be proud. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
jt you did real good on that one :w00t: :w00t: as a matter a fact when i saw one for the very first time i really did not think it was that good it was latter i realized when i got mine i took time to really hear it and i fell in love with the box its trully a marvel :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
Great work Jaetee, these are such a sweet box, great looks, great sound, great meters.

@ Jaetee - "Biggest issues.... Power / Sleep switch is always down, so it's in permanent sleep mode.... and missing two switch covers!"

Just a thought about the sleep switch...I too thought mine was initially broken as you described.

Try this, push the switch DOWN and it might click up!



Member (SA)
sony_apm_fan said:
Great work Jaetee, these are such a sweet box, great looks, great sound, great meters.

@ Jaetee - "Biggest issues.... Power / Sleep switch is always down, so it's in permanent sleep mode.... and missing two switch covers!"

Just a thought about the sleep switch...I too thought mine was initially broken as you described.

Try this, push the switch DOWN and it might click up!


Dude!!!!! You are Da-Man!!!! While that didn't work on the first attempt.... I started tapping it really, really fast and then it suddenly popped back up into place. This must have happened in shipping.

And earlier, I was chatting with Ralf (JVC838) and he was telling me that the tuner issue might not be a big deal to adjust as well... Things are really looking up for this box that I already felt pretty good about.

Uncle Ed said:
Ist Gut, Ja?

I Lookee for aswitchee knobs for you.

Jawol! Danke!! You finden - me liken....! :-D


Member (SA)
jaetee said:
sony_apm_fan said:
Great work Jaetee, these are such a sweet box, great looks, great sound, great meters.

@ Jaetee - "Biggest issues.... Power / Sleep switch is always down, so it's in permanent sleep mode.... and missing two switch covers!"

Just a thought about the sleep switch...I too thought mine was initially broken as you described.

Try this, push the switch DOWN and it might click up!


Dude!!!!! You are Da-Man!!!! While that didn't work on the first attempt.... I started tapping it really, really fast and then it suddenly popped back up into place. This must have happened in shipping.

And earlier, I was chatting with Ralf (JVC838) and he was telling me that the tuner issue might not be a big deal to adjust as well... Things are really looking up for this box that I already felt pretty good about.

Uncle Ed said:
Ist Gut, Ja?

I Lookee for aswitchee knobs for you.

Jawol! Danke!! You finden - me liken....! :-D

Fantastic Jaetee! Awesome!! :-D


I Am Legend
asking jaetee and all you lucky 950 owners ....

my dial and meter light is only about 1/4 as strong on (NEW) batteries as on ac ??

my ALC is about 1/2 as loud as the center position on manual ?
the meters hardly move up on ALC --but they come alive on manual

same with yours ??


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
asking jaetee and all you lucky 950 owners ....

my dial and meter light is only about 1/4 as strong on (NEW) batteries as on ac ??

my ALC is about 1/2 as loud as the center position on manual ?
the meters hardly move up on ALC --but they come alive on manual

same with yours ??

Mmm, never run on batteries so can't comment there.

ALC...switched off and manual control half way - meters hardly move.
ALC switched on, meters hover around -1 to 0 dB, sound louder than on Manual with control set at half.


Member (SA)
Wonderful looking box!

Would you consider taking another picture with it alongside a few other boxes like an M70? It is hard for me to figure out the size. :-)


Member (SA)

Here ya go, restocat....

I just realized from looking at this pic, how much the Pioneer looks out of place in that spot....

Eventually I will probably put the Aiwa where the Pioneer is and keep the SK-71 at arms length. Those shelves are up pretty high and there's a big desk directly below the Pioneer & JVC that make getting to that spot quite difficult. I usually need to climb up on a chair to reach it safely.

So... getting back to the Aiwa... I've discovered that since the sleep switch is now operating properly my FM band is performing perfectly. Overall, the whole box actually sounds a bit better now. Tapes got a little louder, but still lag well behind tuner and line-in. That switch must have been causing an electronic ruckus in there! Thanks so much for that tip, sony_apm_fan!!!!

I think it's relatively safe for me to now say that this box is working just fine.

Only issue is those pesky little toggle switch caps, which is really more of an optical nuisance than an issue. :-D

I am a little confused by your discussion with Ira about the ALC (auto level control)??? Mine only has an effect on the VU's when I'm recording. Flip the switch to off and I control the recording level. Leave the switch on and the deck sets the recording level and the manual rec level is bypassed. Are you guys saying that the ALC is affecting your box during playback? I played with mine 13 ways to Sunday and it had no effect, neither on the tape, the radio or line in. Only during record???


Member (SA)
Good question Jaetee....

I feel the ALC switch is affecting sound level of the input when recording , when testing with FM radio it does make a difference to speaker volume levels, but only just.

BTW...nice collection :yes:


I Am Legend
jaetee --i was saying//crying that the meters and the volume i get -when recording using my ALC
is very low --so i need to use manual recording to get some good sound --

also - how well // bright does your tuning dial lamp work on batteries ?
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