The champagne BomBeat 40 - the myth examined

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Member (SA)
Beosystem10 said:
I've just sent off email to the HODs responsible for the home audio departments in both Fenwicks and Harrods, c/o these companies' marketing managers. I have attached a copy of the photograph of the Tosh on the chair to see whether there's anyone still working for whom that might ring bells. I'll forward any relevant information that comes to light.
For anyone else who perhaps fancies having a crack at them too, the marketroids' names that you need are Vernon Osborne Jr (Fenwicks) and Lisa Windsor (Harrods).
Thank you so much! Maybe this will shine some light on this whole mystery. :)
And maybe one of them will remember a warehouse that is still filled with them :lol:


Member (SA)
Well, it cost nothing to ask and even if nobody replies then the world of boombox fetishism will be no worse off than it is now.
If there should be a full warehouse somewhere, dibs on one item of my choice, preferably a box-fresh JVC PC-5, an M 50 or a Sharp GF9292. I have no great urge to own something massively expensive or ultra-desirable as I'd only worry that I might be burgled for it by the masked boombox bandit. Though if there were a Williamsons boombox (the unassuming looking but technically insane one with seven speakers) in this mystery warehouse, I'd feel obliged to rescue that!

Lasonic TRC-920

Beosystem10 said:
Well, it cost nothing to ask and even if nobody replies then the world of boombox fetishism will be no worse off than it is now.
If there should be a full warehouse somewhere, dibs on one item of my choice, preferably a box-fresh JVC PC-5, an M 50 or a Sharp GF9292. I have no great urge to own something massively expensive or ultra-desirable as I'd only worry that I might be burgled for it by the masked boombox bandit. Though if there were a Williamsons boombox (the unassuming looking but technically insane one with seven speakers) in this mystery warehouse, I'd feel obliged to rescue that!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Without examining the radio first hand, there is no way to know if it's custom. But there are some rare Toshiba's in this world, to mention another Toshiba, the RT-9990S of which I brought home two from Japan is a super rare box. To my knowlage I have seen two on Youtube, the Two I had, one other on Yahoo.Jp and one other seen on a Russian website, making 6 that I have seen or spoken of. Of the two I had, one went to Reli and one went to Blasterpunk. The latter being used in last years calendar (Thanks for that Max!).

Those radio's however were Japanese Domestic Only with all Japanese writing on the controls.
I just have to add that I also have a Toshiba RT-9990SM :-D :yes:. Also Alfie has one left, I got mine from him.
Makes mine possibly the only one in the UK :hmmm: ?


Lasonic TRC-920

SpaceLobster said:
I just have to add that I also have a Toshiba RT-9990SM :-D :yes:. Also Alfie has one left, I got mine from him.
Makes mine possibly the only one in the UK :hmmm: ?

Very interesting....there are a few out there!


Member (SA)
SpaceLobster said:
I just have to add that I also have a Toshiba RT-9990SM :-D :yes:. Also Alfie has one left, I got mine from him.
Makes mine possibly the only one in the UK :hmmm: ?

Any chance of your showing us a photo of the Toshiba please?


Member (SA)
Very very cool thread!! I'm just grateful to own A Toshiba WX-1!!
Love the looks of the 40,Ira showed us the first that I know of!!!:);)


Member (SA)
i know the guy that owns this and although iv never seen it in the flesh i know someone that has and apparently it's not so sure tbh
here is a pic of my bb40 that i got off the same guy....enjoy



Member (SA)
There's another chamagne Bombeat 40 at Radio Hier.

Also, have you noticed the 3-way speaker signs are on the chamapagne bb40's grills instead of next to the level meters? Another minor difference.


Member (SA)
I think it's a custom paint job. If you blow the picture up, you notice the control panel is pretty scratched up but the paint is immaculate. There's your clue right there & I bet it was claimed to be original to drive the price up by an unscrupulous seller.

Also, the badges for the 3-way system on the black edition, correspond with the extra goofy logos, ad-hock added & do NOT make sense. 3 Toshiba badges? Obvioulsy, the added logos & badges are probably hiding dings, etc, that the paint couldn't hide.

The whole thing screams CON-job to me for sure & I wouldn't pay very much for this radio at all....



Member (SA)
Zippy said:
There's another chamagne Bombeat 40 at Radio Hier.

Also, have you noticed the 3-way speaker signs are on the chamapagne bb40's grills instead of next to the level meters? Another minor difference.
RadioHier actually got the very one in the picture. It used to belong to a UK collector.
I really wish for it to be original but at the moment I would say it is a custom job...
Good to see this thread come back to life though :)


Member (SA)
Beosystem10 said:
I never heard back from Fenwicks' or Harrods so it's safe to assume that they don't care either way. :-/
Neither do I really....just a curiosity but I'm pretty sure it's a con if someone is claiming it as a factory 1-off. The scratched control panel & extra badges are your big clues....

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
RadioHier actually got the very one in the picture. It used to belong to a UK collector.
I really wish for it to be original but at the moment I would say it is a custom job...
Good to see this thread come back to life though :)
Yep, very interesting thread. I read the whole story and as far as I got RadioHier was deep into this hobby, he didn't just happen to be an outsider, I am just wondering why he seem to be not interested in revealing this mystery? :-)
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