the boy done good !

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Member (SA)
Well was doing the rounds on ebay and seeing if there were any boxes worth my money :lol: and then came across a seller with two of the same boxes ? i looked and it seemed to be the same box in both pictures ? one said it was dead and the other was working !
So i put them both on my watch list and move on - well i guess as we all do, it got the better of me and asked what she would take on the dead box ? she came back that a friend had brought both back from the states to the uk for her and that when they plugged it in they for got to switch the voltage - pop bang dead ! no power ? she said that she got some one to check it out and it was going to cost more then she wanted and so not worth her fixing it - hence it was on ebay for sale starting at £10 and she didn't want the other one and that was also for sale - i guess it was a nice gift for her but not a boom box fan
so she said make a offer for it ?
so i came back with £30 ?
yup will see it for that ;-)
so £8 for postage/courier and it came home

got it out of a well wrapped box and it was MINT :w00t: not a mark on it !

so to the next stage and let the wheels on the bus keep turning

remember i gave away a very clean DC-7 to a guy ! well he takes stuff apart and repairs them, and gets off on finding it easy !

so greg had the box a couple of day and then i get the call to say it's all done and working :w00t:

he's taken off the power lead that was wired up inside the box and change it for a uk plug and put a 8 pin on the back of the box all neat and sweet :thumbsup:

transistor and a couple of caps had blown - easy for him to fix

i also had a 5th gen i-pod that had lost it's ear phone plug in sound / no sound through the plug - but because the box can play it thought the bottom of the i-pod it works just fine :thumbsup:

so what did the repairs cost ? nothing as giving him the DC-7 was what he had been after for years as it was his childhood box and for that i get free repairs for life :thumbsup:

so for taking a chance on a dead box i have a MINT WORKING LASONiC i-931 for £30

so here are the pic's







original pic from ebay i took a chance on - looked to good to be true style add - and using the same pic for both dead and working one seemed fishy :lol:


£30 gets you a bargain


so now i'm happy :-D

well with just a couple of things to ask :hmmm:
having never owned a lasonic before - it feels a bit plasticy and like a kids toy ? i don't mind this but was the original lasonic like this or is it just the way they have done it now ?

having played the i-pod through the machine and finding out that i need to change the i-pod set up for best sound - now i can't get the radio to work ? is there some thing that needs to be changed over from US to UK ? or i'm i missing some thing ? aerial seems a bit weedy and looks like it should be changed to some thing with a little meat on it and it would make it look a bit better - so who knows about the radio ?

cheers B :surf:


No Longer Active
Older Lasonic models are much more solid feeling... Part of the impression you're getting is that damned all plastic handle that makes the box feel cheaper than it already is.

A word of advice: if you've got batteries in the box, make sure to switch the AC/DC switch to cut the box totally off 'cause if not, the clock will eat your batteries up!

Lasonic TRC-920

Great story man.....clean box....the beauty part, FREE repairs for life!

I'd be on ePay looking for non working grials right now! :yes:

Nice work!


Member (SA)
Great score. I like the radio but hate that handle as well. I'll get around to buying one someday. I wonder if lining the inside with 'Dynamat' or similar sound deadening material might enhance the sound? Has anyone here tried it?


Member (SA)
To me it doesn't feel right :hmmm: the handle and the plastic bits like the buttons

can any one tell me if this was like the original or not - got pic ?

looks good from a far

sorry to say i would not pay £200 for one

sound is not bad but i guess could of been better an d mayber the sound deadning might help it ?
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