The Biggest Letdown...

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Master Z

Member (SA)
I disapprove of this whole thread!!! :sadno: Oldy, now you did it! :w00t: :-P :lol:

Calling my beloved PC-11 a letdown! :sad: Never in the 25 years it has served me!!! :annoyed:
I think it sounds quite good. It has a very nice balanced quality sound to it, sure its not a bass monster but it's built to last.

What we've got here is a failure to communicate! :-D :lol: :-D

Long Live the JVC PC-11!!! :thumbsup:




Boomus Fidelis
Hey MZ think of it this way, some people like apples and others prefer oranges but it doesn't necessarily mean either is bad. These are vintage boomboxes and we are collectors and as such there shouldn't really be any bad boxes just some that aren't nearly as good as others. Some boxes have a mean look to them but when you try to get them to sing they might not back up the look with their performance. Confused yet? :blink: :weed:


Member (SA)
I still think Lasonics rule :-P But I haven't heard a prosonic yet so I can't make an informed decision yet :hmmm:


Member (SA)
i read you loud and clear on the pc11. in fact i had a new one that had never been used i got and well it went to a friend soon after i got it. its heavy well made ect ect but its just missing something compared to some of the other compos jvc put out.
my sanyo c7 pretty much burries it in every way possible.

its hard for me to really feel letdown by any of my boxes at the prices i pay for them.

hmmm yeah i guess that it would have to be the pc11. i mean nice looks and all but maybe part of the problem was getting mine after the pc550 i had.

i guess my biggest letdown was selling that one.


Member (SA)
My biggest letdown is the Fisher PH-490K no bass at all got rid of it in a month, It was very heavy with plenty of quality controls and plenty of treble but no bass, However I was very impress with it's younger brother the Fisher PH-480K it sounds great with plenty of bass and plenty of volume. :yes:


No Longer Active
Tho it wouldn't stop me from trying to buy another one in better condition, the Toyota EA900 is a MAJOR letdown in the sound department! :sad: Perhaps a COMPLETE speaker overhaul will take care of that. :hmmm:

TRC-911 said:
no matter what though, a lasonic will kick almost every other boxes butt for bass :breakdance:
:agree: with this statement on some level... Without question, the TRC-931 I own has the best bass of any box in MY collection. :yes: I wish my other 8" woofer boxes could handle an 808 bass kick like that box can! :sad:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Tho it wouldn't stop me from trying to buy another one in better condition, the Toyota EA900 is a MAJOR letdown in the sound department! :sad: Perhaps a COMPLETE speaker overhaul will take care of that. :hmmm:
Is that the copy of the GF-777?


No Longer Active
Fatdog said:
Tho it wouldn't stop me from trying to buy another one in better condition, the Toyota EA900 is a MAJOR letdown in the sound department! :sad: Perhaps a COMPLETE speaker overhaul will take care of that. :hmmm:
Is that the copy of the GF-777?

Yeah, it's the Sharp GF-909 equivalent. ;-)

You know what? It wasn't like I wasn't warned about the sound quality of these boxes 'cause I've heard plenty of sob stories. :-/
Still, it's always best to find out these things for yourself 'cause someones lump of coal can be another persons diamond. :yes:


I Am Legend
hey mono --
i have read on a few prior posts --about how little you like the sound of these-
and --its surprising :-O :huh:
because - even though they lack some serious bass definition, etc-
they sure are powerhouse boxes --
and they look awesome :-)


No Longer Active
redbenjoe said:
hey mono --
i have read on a few prior posts --about how little you like the sound of these-
and --its surprising :-O :huh:
because - even though they lack some serious bass definition, etc-
they sure are powerhouse boxes --

Oh, most definitely, they are loud as hell and are very powerful! :cool: But when I compare it to my best sounding boxes (the maroon Perdisco and the remote Toshiba), I realize how much this box is in serious need of better tweeters. Also, you see where I have the level of the "Super Woofer" controls set? Any higher and the woofers distort. :sad: Hey, maybe it's just my box that sounds bad. I don't know... :-/

redbenjoe said:
and they look awesome :-)
Johnny said:
Mono that box has killer looks though!!! :thumbsup:

That goes with saying! :cool: I love how it looks! :thumbsup: Like I said, I'd buy another one based on the looks alone, but I wouldn't expect much when it comes to sound. But sometimes, sound isn't everything. :no:


I Am Legend
rest assured --that its not just your box -- :-D
the highs could be alot better --and the bass distorts too soon --

so....your box is normal for that series :-)
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