So it finally came :'-(

, see why i'm not too excited:
LLopez (aka Mike) said the GF series doesn't fly well, he was right
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The radio works fine as do the cassette decks. The midranges are busted for sure so I'll be using the HK-9000 woofers to replace them. Unless somebody has a set they'd be willing to part with or something similar.
The real F'd up part is that the box came in un-crushed condition. NOT A DENT, CREASE, WARP OR MARKING!!!!
Did this dude know or willfully give me the radio in this condition? The pics never showed the sides of the radio

Now you guys know I have the 777 project Frankenstein coming along. Do I scrap the idea and use the back of the 777 for the 767? It fits cuz I test fitted it already.
Help me out guys. I need advice and/or parts. Jr.