TDK boombox from Ebay

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Boomus Fidelis
im_alan_partridge said:
By no means do i dislike this, but i couldnt spend over 600 bucks on one either :nonono:

I also would like to know how they sound though :hmmm:

:agree: I wouldn't spend that much either.
After the ridiculous shipping charge this becomes a $740 purchase. :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
Ya, the buyer paid a lot, but they also get the bragging rights :-D
I'll probably get one next year - when they are about $300 with free shipping on I like the fact they don't have a dock for Ipods/Iphones.


Staff member
It's common knowledge that those without patience, who simply can't wait, will always pay far higher for the latest technological gadgets than someone who can wait a bit for those same items to become saturated into the marketplace, often with the latest firmware and updates.


Member (SA)
Norm, that is true. Although people who wait - don't really get the latest tech gadgets. If they wait long enough - those gadgets become obsolete and get discounted because of that. I'm sure it's not going to be the case with this particular TDk though - this boombox probably will not be updated for a few years, if ever.
I'm still curious who bought it though - user reviews, please!


Member (SA)
Yeah that firmware and updates is a really good point, anything new on the market in any catorgory be a new model car or electrical items can have teething problems. let the impatient get those sorted so we can buy the revised editions.


Staff member
From what I could tell -- the quality looks top notch. Truth is that if it was $499 -- it's probably worth it. Would I pay that much? I guess it depends upon how rich I feel at the moment. If money is tight -- then no. If I got a big bonus paycheck from a huge job, then probably. I know I've paid far more on other boombox purchases.

Decent M70's often dabble in the $499 and tickle the $500+ range. Those are obviously obsolete and if this one performs better with good quality, why not?

We frequently complain about the cheapness of the Lasonics and those new innovative technology boxes. And don't forget the ripping new kabooms took. So if we want and expect more or higher quality, we shouldn't expect to get something for nothing, right?

ALL of this presumes the box is high quality. Someone might buy this and tell us that's it's nothing more than a big black box that weighs all of 3 pounds, knobs that feel like they are stuck on toothpick sized shafts, handle that creaks and bends, and a cabinet that vibrates louder than the subs, at which point, it's gonna be obsolete faster than you can say CHEEEP BOOOOOMBOX.


Member (SA)
I don't know if firmware upgrades would be a big issue with this boombox. If I'm using some analg RCA cables to listen to my MP3s - I don't need a firmware upgrade. It would be different if I were to use HDMI or optical cables - but I don't think there are any digital inputs, are there?


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
From what I could tell -- the quality looks top notch. Truth is that if it was $499 -- it's probably worth it. Would I pay that much? I guess it depends upon how rich I feel at the moment. If money is tight -- then no. If I got a big bonus paycheck from a huge job, then probably. I know I've paid far more on other boombox purchases.

Decent M70's often dabble in the $499 and tickle the $500+ range. Those are obviously obsolete and if this one performs better with good quality, why not?

We frequently complain about the cheapness of the Lasonics and those new innovative technology boxes. And don't forget the ripping new kabooms took. So if we want and expect more or higher quality, we shouldn't expect to get something for nothing, right?

ALL of this presumes the box is high quality. Someone might buy this and tell us that's it's nothing more than a big black box that weighs all of 3 pounds, knobs that feel like they are stuck on toothpick sized shafts, handle that creaks and bends, and a cabinet that vibrates louder than the subs, at which point, it's gonna be obsolete faster than you can say CHEEEP BOOOOOMBOX.

I think the inital reviews were very favorable as far as build quality. If only we could track the buyer of this Ebay's TDK and ask him to do a comparo with some good quality boomboxes - like GF-777 or Aiwa 880 - that would be awesome!


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
Decent M70's often dabble in the $499 and tickle the $500+ range. Those are obviously obsolete and if this one performs better with good quality, why not?

M70's go for that much for a lot bigger reason than just sound quality which it does quite well with. There's nothing nostalgic about this box other than the shape, the other remakes such as the Lasonic had the look of a classic with the quality and feel of something like a Coby. Now for sound quality hell yeah I hope it kicks butt and I think that is by far the reason people would buy it, I doubt people are going to spend $500 on the TDK because it reminds them of the classic boombox which it doesn't really do. At best it's a very futuristic version of the classic boombox, I hope it does well since failure could doom other high quality offerings.


Staff member
MasterBlaster84 said:
Superduper said:
Decent M70's often dabble in the $499 and tickle the $500+ range. Those are obviously obsolete and if this one performs better with good quality, why not?

.........I doubt people are going to spend $500 on the TDK because it reminds them of the classic boombox which it doesn't really do...........

I thought someone JUST spent $740 on it? :huh: Bids don't go up that high on their own. There must've been at least 2 bidders willing to buy it, in order to push the price up.

--------- just checked --------------

There is one low feedback bidders. The rest are hardly newbies. And all willing to spend $500+ on it. I suppose if reviews are favorable, more people would be willing to pay that too. So all depends on the reviews. If the real street price comes down to $399 or less -- I think that's realistic and fair.

Member Id: o***g( 427) US $619.00 Dec-19-10 22:02:14 PST
Member Id: h***n( 330) US $609.00 Dec-19-10 22:01:56 PST
Member Id: a***e( 504) US $525.00 Dec-19-10 21:38:25 PST
Member Id: 5***a( 0 ) US $505.00 Dec-18-10 00:26:11 PST
Member Id: r***e( 57) US $500.00 Dec-14-10 09:59:34 PST


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
MasterBlaster84 said:
Superduper said:
Decent M70's often dabble in the $499 and tickle the $500+ range. Those are obviously obsolete and if this one performs better with good quality, why not?

.........I doubt people are going to spend $500 on the TDK because it reminds them of the classic boombox which it doesn't really do...........

I thought someone JUST spent $740 on it? :huh: Bids don't go up that high on their own. There must've been at least 2 bidders willing to buy it, in order to push the price up.

There are always those few gotta be the first on the block people who will pay whatever it takes, lets wait until it's been on the market for a few months since it hasn't even been released yet.

Besides we don't know if this quote "because it reminds them of the classic boombox " is the reason they spent that much which is really all I was questioning.


Staff member
MasterBlaster84 said:
Besides we don't know if this quote "because it reminds them of the classic boombox " is the reason they spent that much which is really all I was questioning.

I gotcha. But I think we all agree that compared to recent boxes that have unorthodoxed designs (such as the kaboom and altec lansing ones), this one is far more similar in shape and top handled layout to the ones we consider as classic.
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