Sunshine Mix 2011 - Updated poll, please respond.

Do you plan on attending the 2011 meet? And if so, how many hotel nights?

  • I will not attend the 2011 Sunshine Mix, regardless of location.

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I don't care where it is, I'm coming to Florida regardless.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • I will come, but only if it is at the same location as before.

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I would attend the meet if it were at a beach hotel, and stay 1 night.

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I would attend the meet if it were at a beach hotel, and stay 2 nights.

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I would attend the meet if it were at a beach hotel, and stay 3 nights.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would attend the meet if it were at a beach hotel, and stay for a week or longer!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Member (SA)
May 5, 2009
I can see this thread is going absolutely nowhere.
Too many choices and not enough commitments.
I enjoy a few laughs as much as the next guy but can we get serious here,
Just so we could get a plan nailed down???


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
hemiguy2006 said:
I can see this thread is going absolutely nowhere.
Too many choices and not enough commitments.
I enjoy a few laughs as much as the next guy but can we get serious here,
Just so we could get a plan nailed down???
I totally agree. :yes:


I Am Legend
May 6, 2009
for a change --i have a post about this matter --

we are sort of in an 'all good' situation --
and certainly not as random as suggested -

in fact - we do have the date --- 6/25 firmly nailed down -

and then --all thats left to decide is the WHERE ?

so -- lucky for all - we are down to just 2 ( like TWO ) :-D great options :

a, tonys in sorrento
b. one beachfront motel near clearwater

now -- if we all needed a few more days or a week to make that decision -
its still a win/win..........
because tony has already reserved his great spot for us in sorrento :thumbsup: :angelic:
( thank you )

and a dozen or so rooms at a west coast hotel in florida -at THAT time of year --should be easily available.

my own first choice is sorrento --( better for a serious BOX MEET ) :hmmm:
but the beach motel is fine, also ( better for non-box activities ) :w00t:


Member (SA)
May 6, 2009
I so wish I could attend! If it was in early April or May=good chance BUT June 25th=75-95% chance I can't! :sad:

I have a HS reunion in July & a Camaro that will be in the body shop then! :yes:
I wish you guys luck & fun in whatever you do! :-)


Member (SA)
Oct 8, 2010
Boom Central
redbenjoe said:
for a change --i have a post about this matter --

we are sort of in an 'all good' situation --
and certainly not as random as suggested -

in fact - we do have the date --- 6/25 firmly nailed down -

and then --all thats left to decide is the WHERE ?

so -- lucky for all - we are down to just 2 ( like TWO ) :-D great options :

a, tonys in sorrento
b. one beachfront motel near clearwater

now -- if we all needed a few more days or a week to make that decision -
its still a win/win..........
because tony has already reserved his great spot for us in sorrento :thumbsup: :angelic:
( thank you )

and a dozen or so rooms at a west coast hotel in florida -at THAT time of year --should be easily available.

my own first choice is sorrento --( better for a serious BOX MEET ) :hmmm:
but the beach motel is fine, also ( better for non-box activities ) :w00t:
im with ira 100%.
ive never been to tony's but it sounds like the perfect environment for what im expecting to get out of this meet up.
but if we can find a place on the beach that offers the same ammenities plus enough extras to keep the families happy and get more people to come...then im all for it!!
i say someone finds a spot that fits the aforementioned description and narrow our voting options down to 2.
agreed!?!?! yay or nay


Member (SA)
May 5, 2009
Florida's West Coast
ahardb0dy said:
I don't know if it would effect anything in Clearwater as St. Pete is not right there but it is fairly close but their is a festival taking place in St. Pete on the same day,
Clearwater and St.Pete are separated by several small towns and about 10 miles. A festival in St.Pete will have absolutely no bearing on anything going on in Clearwater, except maybe to pull people out of Clearwater. And St.Petersburg is so large that a festival in the downtown area would have zero bearing on anything going on out at the beach. This is a very spread out and highly developed area.

If we drew the line in the sand right now and used these poll results to make a final decision, it's looking like the beach hotel idea is indeed the more popular and polarizing option. We have four indifferent attendees who would attend regardless of where the meet is held, so those are a wash. That leaves two members who will apparently ONLY attend if the meet is in Sorrento, and four votes for having the meet at a beach hotel, with three of those being two night stays! So, as it stands right now, assuming the four indifferent attendees stay only one hotel night, we have twelve room nights to begin negotiations with a venue. (The poll was productive! YAY)

Ed, do you have an established relationship with the Isis folks? If so, can you find out what the roomrate would be and how much? And verify if there would be any terms associated with us securing that room for the day?

And Tony... would you attend this meet if it is somewhere else in the State, or are you only going to participate if it's at the clubhouse again?

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
May 5, 2009
JT...............No relationship, stayed there a few times years ago, I will call The Isis today and advise.

Fatpooch..................will call you later today.

Frank:....................Buy a lamp.


Member (SA)
May 7, 2009
Personally I think it is a big mistake to try and turn this into a beach weekend get-away. It might sound splendid to those of you in Florida who will get to bring your wife/girlfriend/both for the weekend at no additional cost, but for those of us who would be traveling from afar it is not ideal.

For one thing the time frame for the meet is so short... and fly or drive we would be spending at least a day each way to get there and another day to get home. Sunday is shot because most people will have to leave early to get back to work on Monday anyway and have already taken a vacation day or two to get down to Florida. So any activities planned on Sunday will be poorly attended. Saturday would be the only day of the meet really unless you all are taking Friday off to get there in time to do something. I would want to make that Saturday time count... not have some beach distracting from what the purpose is. Plus we would be paying, even with a negotiated rate, double what a hotel in near Orlando would cost for two nights. Of course anyone could stay where they want and then just show up to the beach hotel and I bet most will. But there goes the discounted room rate, and the free hall.

And who wants to be hauling all of our boomboxes down some hotel hallway anyway? Or keeping them in an unsecured meeting room? Or in your hotel room where the risk of theft/damage is perhaps even greater? Or be seen humping them back and forth to your car in the hotel parking lot? It is 1000x better to be able to pull up to the clubhouse and have easy access to bringing them in and out of your vehicle with minimal prying eyes. People can stay wherever they want as their budget permits, or even crash at someones house etc.

If all this is going to be is a few Florida people then forget it... the purpose is to draw from all over and I am NOT spending a grail's worth of cash to come down for anything less than a full-on meet with the most people and boxes possible. While you may see the poll saying a few less people are saying they will come if it is at the beach, I can guarantee you it will be more than that. I bet 8-10 less. And that really defeats the purpose in my book. Despite what the still poorly worded poll "says" I don't think anyone WONT come if it is not held at the beach unless it is out of spite that the beach option was not chosen. Or it was the grease to get the wife or girlfriend to go along with it in the first place.

If it takes the added distraction of a beach front hotel to get Florida people excited about getting together then maybe the full scale Sunshine Meet has run its course. If I had my way we would be having these meets somewhere in Middle America where the majority of people can make it to it with a full 1 day drive (sorry west coast). Orlando is over 1400 miles for me. That is at least $500 in gas plus another hotel night or two. Even a one connection flight with this much notice is pushing $400 from Milwaukee to Orlando. Then there is airport parking and a rental car. And that is before hotel and food. Damn... I was excited about this whole thing... but do you see my point?


Staff member
Jun 3, 2009
I'm with Spud on this one. Make the meet count. I understand that some want to make it a holiday vacation but for most of us it is a mission to meet/greet/and boom as many boomers as we can with limited costs. Even sharing a drive to FL and room with Spud and Skip, we are still easlily looking at about $250 a piece plus food. Honestly, now thinking about it - I might not make it just because that could be a big item I could use in my home remodel or money towards a grail.

Not that I don't think you guys are worth it, but the Sunshine Mix is almost free for you guys in FL :-/ .


I Am Legend
May 6, 2009
" i would want to make that saturday time COUNT "

there are oh so many thoughts i share exactly with spuds post-
security , $$ , convenience etc etc -- tonys clubhouse has it ALL --hands down

and to add a 'specific'--
- last year - ralf came from germany -
and had the 'best of both worlds' schedule -
he came to the clubhouse - for a long SERIOUS box meet -
after that - he spent some lovely florida days --at a beach hotel :surf:

not knocking beach fun ( thats what i mostly DO ) :w00t: :lol:

and - if we were to have 10 meets per year -
i say NINE of them SHOULD be at some fun beach-

but --for just ONE meet per year -- :hmmm: :hmmm:

its seems much more important to have a huge private room-
to listen to - and to display our collections-

true --we all could be out in the sand playing topless volleyball-
renting inflatables :-O :-) -- observing hotties --and so forth

but --imho - all that fun stuff is for the OTHER nine meets :-D

either way --it WILL be a blast -
i am IN -
and hope we have LOTS of members show up with lots of boxes :thumbsup:

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
May 5, 2009
Well as I stated, I am not going to Sorento, and after several meets there I would prefer something different.

I have collected for 8 years, heard almost all the boxes, seen and owned many, many, many boxes.

So just for me, its more about time with the friends I have made through here and the old S2G as much as the hardware.

I cannot speak for others but it seems that the POLL has 8 votes are either beach or uncommitted vs 2 for the park clubhouse.
I suggest those who want to do a day at the park club house, pursue that course.



I Am Legend
May 6, 2009
ed --its understood that we all may have different agendas and purposes for the box meet -
for example...
mine is 'business' // yours is social :-)

and therefore --i agree that majority should rule


Member (SA)
May 7, 2009
So Ed even though just for you it is more about the friends you have already made and not not so much about the hardware you have already listened to... and even though you would prefer something different you flat out state that you would not do the clubhouse again. That does not sound like someone who is making it about the friends (location independent).... and I guess you have plenty friends already, because you don't seem interested in making any new ones.


Staff member
Jun 3, 2009
I see both sides. If I had a week to spend in FL with my wife, I wouldn't care where the meet would be (clubhouse or beach).

I just have looked at the 2008, 2009, and 2010 pics from the meets and they got bigger and better every year it looks like. That's what I want to experience :yes: . I wish I had time & $ for the extra stay, but sadly I don't.......

I like the ideas being thrown around in here - I hope it doesn't get to personal between members here. We are all out for the same goal. We just need to figure out how to get there.



Member (SA)
May 5, 2009
Florida's West Coast
C'mon Spud. Please....

Can someone please tell me why and how the "meaning" of the meet is diminished by having it at a beach hotel?

Sorry you feel my poll is poorly worded. But to me there are a BUNCH of assumptions going on here. Granted, I am making some assumptions as well, but much of my motivation here is based on real feedback from members who have actually atteneded at least one of the last three meets. So, my assumptions are at least somewhat qualified. And if you had been at the meet I mentioned where the A/C really struggled when it got noticably hotter than usual for MARCH then you might also feel otherwise.

That you guys would want to travel so far and rather spend time in a trailer park clubhouse in a somewhat isolated location, with an admittedly underperforming A/C unit rather than a reasonable Beachfront hotel completely baffles me.

To say it's not ideal for everyone traveling from afar is really not fair. How could you possibly know this? And how can you be so sure that just because you feel this way, that 8-10 people less would show up for the meet?

Right now, it looks like we only have 8-10 interested parties TOTAL if we do it at the beach. And apparently less attendees if we do it at the clubhouse again.

And how do you know your expenses to Sorrento would be any different from your expenses to Tampa Bay, Miami Daytona, or any other location, for that matter? I was going to say let's see what Ed finds out for us, but it looks like that is not going to happen now.

And why do you say the timeframe is too short? Are you saying you want a two-day meet? Then you'd need to take even more time off? Sorry, but I don't follow your logic on that one either. I would think that having the meet at a more "destination" type of location such as the beach would be more appealing and likely to inspire turning the trip to Florida into a vacation, which would in turn justify taking some additional time off and making you feel better about the money spent and time taken off.

Then again, having the meet in March, while it is still freezing cold up north, but in the mid-to-high 70's and low 80's here does tend to make Florida much more appealing destination in late winter and early spring than in the heat of June, when daily highs hit triple digits with regularity! So, while I'm on that thought, I'll bring up the one thing that none of you guys are acknowledging, which is the HEAT!!!! You are all completely ignoring the warnings made straight from Tony about the weak AC in that clubhouse and how hot it will be there.

I'm sorry, but that is a very real issue to take into consideration that you guys are just blowing off. (C'mon Ira, you've also been to every meet there and are hardcore defending that location, yet you never once acknowledge the weak AC there???) You guys sound almost brainwashed by the thought of the "free clubhouse."

About security.... The thought of someone stealing my boxes at the hotel vs. the clubhouse never even occured to me. Anyone who knows the true potential value of these things would be at the meet anyway. Seriously, 99% of the general population would walk right by a grail boombox priced at $15 in thrift store without giving it a second thought. Many think we're nuts for collecting these things. And we are talking about going to a good-vibe, low crime kind of place, not the deprived inner city! So, we make a pact that the meeting room will never be unattended by one of us. Problem solved. To me, the security issue is really a non-factor. I've had boomboxes in dozens and dozens of florida hotel rooms and never had an issue. Common sense and good judgement with us watching out for each other (as I would like to think we would automatically do anyway) shoudl be more than enough to keep our gear safe.

While I might not sound like it, I am VERY appreciative of Tony and Linda for what they have generously done for us in the past, which made this a very difficult subject for me to even bring up in the first place, but I can tell you that at the last couple of meets I had several people (not gonna name names, but they were not all from FL) tell me they would like to see the meet somewhere else and were unlikely to attend if it were held in Sorrento again. Sorry, but as uncomfortable as it might be, the thought is out there and it deserves attention. That's the price I pay for having the kind of personality that makes people feel comfortable confiding in me, and then having the guts to act on it and be a voice for that "silent" opionion.

And about doing a meet somewhere more centrally located in the country. I am 100,000% onboard for that and would work hard to make my attendance to such a meet happen, but I can remember several times where the thought was kicked around and nothing ever seems to get traction. The reality is that everyone wants to have an opinion, but not many people are willing to step up, take the lead and organize. Criticism and making jokes is always easier than leadership.

This whole thing is getting to the point of ridiculous and about the only thing I am really starting to agree with in your post is that maybe the Sunshine mix has indeed run it's course.

I'm really sorry to everyone that this has become such a polarizing subject.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
All good points, John. Let it be known that the desire to "upgrade" the location is NOT a personal affront on Tony. :nonono: Tony is an exceedingly great guy and would do anything for anybody - and that goes for his wife too. It all stems, at least I think, from a desire to make the Sunshine Mix bigger and better. Having it at a location that is more family-friendly could attract more attendees and perhaps give the event more exposure thereby attracting new collectors to the scene.

The A/C system was taxed very heavily in July 2008 at the first meet. Some of us sweated like pigs. At the 2010 Sunshine Mix, we were already at capacity with the number of boomboxes present and more than the usual had to be put on the floor or on chairs along the walls. Even if we increase the number of attendees by one each year, we will eventually outgrow the clubhouse anyway.

As mentioned, an idea was presented last year to have a more central meet either in Kentucky, Tennessee, or Alabama in order to entice more of the northern guys to show up, but nobody was interested.
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