Another Sunday has rolled around so that means another trip to the market.
Pickings were thinner on the ground this week but I still managed to buy a few boxes.
First up is this Philips D8234 - I try to stay away from 3 piece machines but lately I've started buying more. This is a cool little machine, looks kinda funky.
JVC PC-V88 - Big machine with an LCD instead of a tuner scale. Loud and thumping.
Grundig C 8000 - Same again, I don't normally go for Monos or Mono looking machines unless they look cool, which this does, so I bought it.
International Mod.628 - Nice looking machine which is the reason I bought it. Can't find any info about it though.
Machines I passed up on
Sony CFS 45L - Ultimately a nice machine but the seller wanted too much so I left it.
Siemens Mono unkown model - Not my style so left it.
Sony CFS W480S & Sony CFS 710S - I tried to like these but they just didn't do anything for me so these stayed.
So this is it up to now, I'm taking photos of everything I own and posting them up in a collections thread.