Sunday Market Shenanigans

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Member (SA)
Sel The Don said:
Another Sunday has rolled around so that means another trip to the market.

Pickings were thinner on the ground this week but I still managed to buy a few boxes.

First up is this Philips D8234 - I try to stay away from 3 piece machines but lately I've started buying more. This is a cool little machine, looks kinda funky.

JVC PC-V88 - Big machine with an LCD instead of a tuner scale. Loud and thumping.

Grundig C 8000 - Same again, I don't normally go for Monos or Mono looking machines unless they look cool, which this does, so I bought it.

International Mod.628 - Nice looking machine which is the reason I bought it. Can't find any info about it though.

Machines I passed up on

Sony CFS 45L - Ultimately a nice machine but the seller wanted too much so I left it.

Siemens Mono unkown model - Not my style so left it.

Sony CFS W480S & Sony CFS 710S - I tried to like these but they just didn't do anything for me so these stayed.

So this is it up to now, I'm taking photos of everything I own and posting them up in a collections thread.
How much was the guy with the CFS-45 charging? I own one and I can say there isn't really anything spectacular about it. Got it for about $40

Sel The Don

Member (SA)
It was about $25 for the unit. It's not one that I'm desperate for so I left it.

I'm gonna have some photos for you later mate :)

Sel The Don

Member (SA)

Back to the market today but it was really crap, I only picked up 2 machines out of the total 4 I saw today as the weather was a bit off and there's a referendum. To be honest though one of the machines is a grail and I adore it!

This time I'll start off with what I didn't buy!

ITT Polo Cassette 220
Yellowed and a bit dated looking so I left this one where it was.

Sony CFS-W480S
Not a bad machine admittedly but I have have enough 90s machines at the mo, plus the volume knob had been hacked on, was really stiff to turn.

Boomboxes bought;

Daiwa 3D Compo 1430L
Looks to be a clone of the Sanyo I bought last week, 6 speaker system in a Mini format - nice looking unit. Pretty loud too. The only thing I can find about Daiwa is that they do fishing kit, more research is needed methinks.

Sharp GF-767
Yep, you read that right, one of the Ultimate Grails decided to show up at the market. I'd never seen one of these in the flesh until today, it's utterly massive! Instantly my favourite box! This is a really loud box with some lovely deep bass - easily a box you could listen to all day without fatigue. She's not perfect though, one antenna isn't original, some of the buttons on the front aren't original and the battery cover is missing but I don't care, I'm in love.

A badass box. Full stop.


Member (SA)
Oh snap a 767 at the market!!!! Jeez that was fortunate you decided to go today.

I like that Daiwa to, dibs if you decide to sell it!

Sel The Don

Member (SA)
T-STER said:
Oh snap a 767 at the market!!!! Jeez that was fortunate you decided to go today.

I like that Daiwa to, dibs if you decide to sell it!
The Daiwa is yours when I come to sell it mate :)

Sel The Don

Member (SA)
The weather was really crap on Sunday, raining cats and dogs. When I got there, there were literally 4 stalls. One had a boombox! Yay!
It's a Sanyo M2818L, a 2 way mono unit that looks really funky (photo off of the Internet). Very funky and pretty rare I think.

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Sel The Don

Member (SA)
So I'm back again after a week away in Istanbul. I think the sun hit me hard, I bought seven (yep, that's right) boxes. Let's do dat shiat!

Polo/Matz (metz/motz?) MC-2XAA - A very cool looking 3 silver coloured 3-piece from a company I've never heard of, with an LED Graphic EQ, twin tape deck (one with auto reverse) and EQ. Any info about this would be much appreciated.

ITT RC 6600 - A nice mid size silver coloured unit with a nice sound.

Telefunken Bajazzo Universal 401 - A really cool radio that has a tuner window that wraps around the top and front of the unit. Really cool looking.

Sharp GF-320BK - Another GF to add to the collection, nice small sized machine, good sound for it's size.

Crown MZ-2100 - A humongous machine that has an humongous sound. LED VU Meters, 10 Band Graphic EQ and twin tape deck. Badass.

Sharp GF-7474H - The second GF of the day, these machines sound out of this world! A really cool looking machine too, proper boombox style!

Simtel SRC 3700 - This is a machine I saw a little while ago. I was definitely going to buy it this time round and I'm glad I did. A REALLY cool looking machine in silver, black and red, plus the tuner scale is a sliding LED! So cool!

Sel The Don

Member (SA)
Ain't it just mate! Fab little machine!

Sunday has rolled around again so it's time for the market! I'm supposed to be selling some of my machines as I literally have no space but I just can't help myself! I had to abandon half-way through as I promised the missus we'd go to the mountains for the day and I completely forgot. Heh! Thankfully she called me as she knew where I'd be.

Right, here goes.

Sanyo M-X920K - Absolute stunner of a machine! A gorgeous looking thing with brushed metal front. All complete and working - this has a really nice sound to it too. I also adore the way the tuner knob is weighted and carries on spinning a bit. Love it

Fisher PH-W875L - I'm really starting to dig mini machines and this is no exception. Metallic candy red with black and chrome - so damn rad! Sounds pretty good for a mini.

Conion C-124F - Another Conion to add to the collection but bloody hell it's so light! It weighs as much as a caterpillar turd! This is a unit that has fake tweeters, I might add some in to beef it up a bit hehe. Very very basic with radio and tape only, with a tone knob. Loud though.

Toshiba RT-8035 - Yes, another mini, but this one is in sinister black! I got this for a good price which is why it came home with me. Unfortunately it has no power so I'll investigate later.

I didn't get to take very many photos of what I left behind but there were a few big Sharps (why on Earth are they missing the cassette doors?) and a little Sharp, sorry, I didn't jot down model numbers.
small one.gif

Roll on next week!

Sel The Don

Member (SA)
Thanks mate :)

On the right-hand speaker cover is a badge that says FAE. I can't find this on any other photo of the 920K and the badge is on solid.
Is it original?
If so, what does it signify?


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